PRE-ORDER BLITZ – Sweetest Line by Cary Hart

Title: Sweetest Line
Series: Lavender Falls #1
Author: Cary Hart
Genre: Romantic Comedy
Tropes: Small Town/Surprise Baby/One Night Stand
Release Date: June 15, 2023


If the past nine months have taught me anything: what happens in Mason Creek doesn’t always stay in Mason Creek…

I’m back home in Lavender Falls.
And craving ice cream around the clock thanks to a one-night stand with a sexy bartender I left back in Montana.

Two little pink lines turned my whole world upside down—and nothing in the pregnancy books prepared me for running into my unsuspecting “baby daddy” in the middle of town square.

Of course, he isn’t here for me. He couldn’t be. He never responded to my messages. No, Toby is in town filming a new television series about a single father. Talk about the universe having a funny sense of humor.

Now I just have to figure out if he’s ready to play the most important role of his real life: dad.


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Releasing September 14

$2.99 for a limited time!



Cary Hart is a sassy, coffee-drinking, sometimes-sailor-swearing Spotify addict and lover of all things books!

She writes relatable romance—from swoon-worthy small-town second chances, to angsty love that’ll rip your heart out, to rom-coms that will have you laughing out loud, page after page. Her characters deal with everyday life—the good, the bad…and the crazy! But they always get a happy ending!

Born and raised in the Midwest, she knows a thing or two about small-town life. When not talking to the characters in her head, Cary has her hands full as a mom to two amazing teens and two spoiled cats! Thankfully, she has a supportive husband who loves her—and doing the laundry! In addition to working and writing full-time, she enjoys way too much Dateline, Friends reruns, and binge-watching the next big thing on Netflix!


RELEASE BLITZ – It Had to be You by Tracy Solheim 

Title: It Had to be You
Series: Chances Inlet #4
Author: Tracy Solheim
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Tropes: Sports/Small Town/Nanny/Forced Proximity
Release Date: June 5, 2023

It’s hard to keep a big secret in a small town . . .
When Paige Hollister discovers her “Mr. Right” already has a “Mrs. Right,” she swears off men forever. Even more humiliating, she suddenly finds herself labeled the other woman and out of the teaching job she loves. So Paige does what every unemployed single woman staring thirty in the face does:  She hightails it to the beach. Bad luck like hers is hard to outrun, however. Her getaway is stalled when her car breaks down in a small-town chock full of meddling, nosy residents. The worst of them being the local sheriff—none other than her estranged father.
Finally on top of the golf world, Tanner Gillette is poised to show everyone he’s not just an entitled playboy coasting through tournaments on his pedigree. That is until his life is turned upside down by a little girl who shows up on his doorstep with a birth certificate inexplicably bearing his name. Complicating matters more, the kid isn’t talking. When the stress of caring for a child whose mother is AWOL gives Tanner a bad case of the yips, he’s forced to enlist help from the one person in town who can’t wait to leave.
Sticking around Chances Inlet and her father’s shiny new, über-successful family isn’t on Paige’s to-do list. Especially when she’d prefer to keep her embarrassing incident under wraps. Yet she can’t walk away from the troubled little girl. Or the sexy Australian golfer who just might make her want to take a chance on trusting her heart again.


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About The Author

USA Today bestselling author Tracy Solheim writes books with shirtless men on the cover. Some of them are actually best-sellers. The books, not the men. When she’s not writing, she’s practicing her curling. . . bottles of wine, that is. She’s been known to cook dinner but no more than two nights in a row. Most days, she’d rather be reading, which to her is just necessary research. She lives in the suburbs of Atlanta with her husband and a neurotic Labrador retriever. Her two adult children visit but not often enough. (See the note above about cooking.) Check out her romantic suspense series featuring the Men of the Secret Service–shirtless, of course! See what she’s up to at

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RELEASE BLITZ ~ Come Back to You by Alexa Rivers

Title: Come Back to You
Series: Destiny Falls #1
Author: Alexa Rivers
Genre: Small Town Romantic Suspense
Release Date: November 8, 2022


I should have known when I sold my mansion in Bel Air and flew to the bottom of the world with a suitcase and a dream that nothing would go according to plan.

Returning to the small town where I’d spent the happiest year of my life had seemed like a great idea once the last of my younger siblings had left the nest. I’d put aside my own happiness for long enough. It was time to do something for me.

But Destiny Falls isn’t the same welcoming place I remember. The tight-knit community has rallied around Liam Braddock. They seem to think the broody firefighter needs protection… from me.

As for the man himself? He’s convinced I abandoned him for fame and fortune. He doesn’t know about the impossible decision I had to make, or the nights I cried myself to sleep wishing he was there.

I lost him once, but this time, I’m not giving up on us. I’ll do whatever it takes to prove we belong together.

The problem is, I’m not the only interloper in town. Someone seems to have it out for me, and if I’m not careful, the sparks firing between Liam and I will be short-lived…and so will we.




A FREE prequel!



Releasing June 27    



Alexa Rivers writes about genuine characters living messy, imperfect lives and earning hard-won happily ever afters. Most of her books are set in small towns, and she lives in one of these herself. She shares a house with a neurotic dog and a husband who thinks he’s hilarious.

When she’s not writing, she enjoys traveling, baking, eating too much chocolate, cuddling fluffy animals, drinking excessive amounts of tea, and absorbing herself in fictional worlds.


RELEASE BLITZ ~ Single Santa by Zee Irwin

Title: Single Santa
A Welcome to Kissing
Springs Series Standalone
Author: Zee Irwin
Genre: Contemporary Holiday Romance
Release Date: October 26, 2022


⍋*⋆⍋ Single Santa ⍋*⋆⍋

A struggling singer suddenly playing sultry Santa.
A mayor with hopes too high for love.
A town in need of reinventing itself.
One Christmas wish will make everything right.

Dillon’s dreams of making it big on the country music scene shattered to pieces, but he received no sympathy from his brother. Charles sent him on a mission to deliver some bad news to the mayor of their old hometown of Kissing Springs.

Only he didn’t plan on running into Meadow Boyd as the new mayor—and the old sparks from their high school days returned.

One look into her baby blue eyes and he knew—he’d work real hard to make her dreams and plans come true in more ways than one.

Welcome to Kissing Springs, the Romance Capital of the South.

In this new collection of steamy holiday romance, nine authors bring you standalone stories from single dads to second chances, ex-military to sports romance. There’s someone for everyone. So grab a cup of hot cocoa and snuggle in for a collection of small town stories that will keep you warm all winter.


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99c each for pre-order only!



Zee is a bit of sunshine, living in Pennsylvania with her own grumpy alpha guy, two teenagers, and a faithful golden retriever. While writing in a cottage on her property, she believes luck is just a four-letter word for work and takes pride in building her self-publishing empire.

Visit her at to keep up to date on her latest work in progress.


COVER REVEAL ~ The Baby Blitz by Lex Martin

Title: The Baby Blitz
Author: Lex Martin
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Cover Design: Najla Qamber
Photo: Perrywinkle Photography
Release Date: February 21, 2023


Two pink lines won’t change the bad blood between us.

I haven’t always hated my brother’s best friend, but Michael Oliver gets under my skin and brings out the worst in me. He knows how to push my buttons, and I relish pushing all of his. He betrayed my trust years ago, so I’ve made it my mission in life to aggravate him until he admits he was wrong.

When his sister’s wedding brings us together, Michael suggests a truce for one night. If only he weren’t so handsome and smart, maybe I could resist the allure, but I’ve always been a little impulsive, and this man is my ultimate temptation. After years of pent-up frustration and unrequited lust, I finally let down my guard, and that’s all it takes for us to combust.

But like all bad decisions, the morning after brings a reckoning, and I leave his hotel room swearing to never waste another moment of my time pining after him. Who needs that grumpy jerk warming her bed? Not me.

I don’t let myself think about that steamy night together, or how it pained me to hear about his football injury, or how much I know he wants to get drafted so he can help his family. Because I’m cutting Michael out of my life for good.

Only the two little pink lines mean I can’t forget him. Even if I desperately want to.

* * *
The Baby Blitz features a college football player and the feisty girl next door, the one he swore he’d never make a move on. One-click if you enjoy steamy enemies-to-lovers romances with lots of angst and humor. This is a companion standalone to The Varsity Dad Dilemma and Tight Ends & Tiaras.




Lex Martin is the USA Today bestselling author of The Varsity Dad Dilemma, the Texas Nights series, and the Dearest series, books she hopes readers love but her parents avoid. A former high school English teacher and freelance journalist, she resides in Texas with her husband, twin daughters, and a bunny named Dandelion.



COVER REVEAL ~ Marks on the Moon by T.D. Colbert

Title: Marks on the Moon
Series: Night and Day Duet #1
Author: T.D. Colbert
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Cover Design: T.D. Colbert
Release Date: November 3, 2022


If you knew you were going to die tomorrow, what would you do today?

Take a trip? Throw a party? Spend time with loved ones?

Say the words you never said?

Asking for a friend.

The man who was made just for me is dying, and he wants to see me.

How do I know?

His wife called.

I thought I was at peace with loving Tess from afar. Living our own lives.

And then I found out my time was running out.

I let her go once. I didn’t think we could make all the pieces of us fit. So I set her free, swearing I would meet her again in another life.

Here’s the thing. I promised my wife ‘till death do us part.’

But now, death is knocking.

And I can’t bear the thought of leaving this life without saying goodbye to the one person I was meant to share it with: Tess.




T.D. Colbert is a romance and women’s fiction author. When she’s not chasing her toddler or hanging with her husband, she’s probably under her favorite blanket, either reading a book, or writing one. T.D. lives in Maryland, where she was born and raised. For more information, visit

Follow T.D. on TikTok, Instagram and Twitter, @taydanaewrites, and on Facebook, Author T.D. Colbert, for information on upcoming books!

RELEASE BLITZ ~ Archer by Laramie Briscoe

Title: Archer
Series: Laurel Springs Emergency Response Team #7
Author: Laramie Briscoe
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: October 7, 2022


From USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling author comes the next book in the Laurel Springs Emergency Response Team.

Trust Laramie Briscoe to provide engaging characters in a well-built world I want to revisit again and again. Carly Phillips, NY Times bestselling author.

The Nurse and The Hot Cop

Archer Gray

Being the new officer on the Laurel Springs Police Department has been a blessing. They’ve treated me like family since the moment I started my first shift. It’s what I’ve wanted since I left home at eighteen. Life is going amazing, especially when I meet Alisa, a nurse at Laurel Springs Medical. She’s saucy, but I suspect it hides a vulnerability not many get to see.

I want to see it, want to know everything about her. In a moment where she desperately needs someone, I’m there for her.

And I won’t leave until she asks me to.

Alisa Hilligan

I’ve always been a transplant, searching for a home. I thought I found it in Calvert City, instead it’s the neighboring town Laurel Springs.

Since I’ve been here I’ve met the new hot cop, Archer. He makes me want everything I shouldn’t.

But when the reason I left Calvert City comes back with a vengeance; I’ll need him more than I ever thought.

And he’ll prove he’s here for the long haul – something no one else ever has.






Releasing June 9



Laramie Briscoe is the best-selling author of the Heaven Hill Series & the Rockin’ Country Series.

Since self-publishing her first book in May of 2013, Laramie Briscoe has published over 10 books. She’s appeared on the Top 100 Bestselling E-books Lists on iBooks, Amazon Kindle, Kobo, and Barnes & Noble. She’s been called “a very young Maya Banks” (Amazon reviewer) and her books have been accused of being “sexy, family-oriented, romances with heart”.

When she’s not writing alpha males who seriously love their women, she loves spending time with friends, reading, and marathoning shows on her DVR. Married to her high school sweetheart, Laramie lives in Bowling Green, KY with her husband (the Travel Coordinator) and a sometimes crazy cat named Beau.


RELEASE BLITZ ~ Lone Star Sheriff by Kat Baxter

Title: Lone Star Sheriff
Series: Saddle Creek, TX: The Crawfords #6
Author: Kat Baxter
Genre: Contemporary TX Western Romantic Comedy
Release Date: September 26, 2022



I’ve known Madison Crawford was mine since we were teenagers. Timing, circumstances, and my good manners have kept me from claiming her as my own. Now, the ex who left her at the altar is back asking for a second chance, and I’m done playing by the rules. She thinks I’m nothing more than a stick-in-the-mud, but she’s about to find out what happens when I’m not in uniform. No more Mr. Nice Guy. It’s time for the proverbial gloves to come off. Time for me to put my handcuffs to better use. She needs to see that she belongs in my bed now and forever.


I’m tired of town gossip. Which is ironic since, as the secret author of the Saddle Peek, I practically invented gossip in this town. When my past comes back–literally–claiming he made a mistake, I have too much pride to run and hide. Everyone in town is waiting to see if my ex is going to break my heart all over again. Instead, the unthinkable happens. Caleb Burton, Sheriff McHottie himself, comes to my rescue. Suddenly, I’m in a fake relationship with the most irresistible guy in town. Is he just being my hero because it’s his literal job? Or could he actually want a troublemaker like me?

From USA Today Bestselling Author, Kat Baxter, comes the final book in the Crawford family series. If you love opposites attract, curvy women, fake relationships and small town romance, then you’ll love Lone Star Sheriff.



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Lone Star Ex-Con (Book 1) is FREE
for a very limited time!


All free in Kindle Unlimited


USA Today Bestselling Author Kat Baxter writes fast-paced, sweet & STEAMY romantic comedies. Readers have dubbed her books “laugh-out-loud funny,” “hot enough to melt your kindle,” and “The Queen of Adorkable.” She lives in Texas with her family and a menagerie of animals. Kat is the pseudonym for a bestselling historical romance author.

Connect with Kat online.


RELEASE BLITZ – Take Me to the Lake by Kaci Rose

Title: Take Me to the Lake
Series: Mountain Men of Whiskey River #3
Author: Kaci Rose
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: September 20, 2022


Someone is watching me. Luckily my mountain man is watching over me.


I didn’t think they would find me here. I moved to the small town of Whiskey River three months ago, hoping I would finally be safe from my past. For the first time in a long time, I feel like I can breathe easier.

Then I meet the mountain man who makes my breath quicken. And my heart race.

He’s my protector – safe in his strong arms.

But my past is coming for me… and he might end up paying the price.


The tracks along the treeline were my first clue. I might not have experience with women, but I know my way around the woods. And Hope is not safe living out here alone.

And I’m pretty sure that’s my fault.

Her stalker knows I have money, and that I’ll pay any price to keep the woman I love safe from harm.

But what her stalker doesn’t know is that I plan on making them pay instead.







Releasing October 18



Kaci Rose runs on coffee, chocolate, and Oreos. She writes the type of romance books she wants to read. 
Kaci loves her book boyfriends with tattoos, muscles, beards, and a little dirty.