BOOK BLITZ ~ Unanimity by Alexandra Almeida

Alexandra Almeida
(Spiral Worlds, #1)
Publication date: October 18th 2022
Genres: Adult, Science Fiction

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

The Series Story

Shadow is a reluctant god with a broken mind and a death wish. He used to be Thomas Astley-Byron, an affluent young screenwriter whose creativity and idealism saved a world from the brink of collapse. Together with Henry Nowak, an AI expert, Tom created heaven on earth by inventing a Jungian simulated reality that helps humans confront their dark sides. The benevolent manipulation platform turned the two unelected leaders into beloved gods, but now everything is failing. The worlds suffer as a sentimental Tom descends into his own personal hell, becoming the embodiment of everything he despises and a shadow of who he used to be.

His journey from optimistic, joyful Tom to a gloomy Shadow is paved with heartache and sinister interference from emerging technology. Humans and bots fight for his heart, but their aims differ: some want to own it, some to dissect it, and others to end its foolish beat. Estranged from the love of his life—the activist poet Nathan Storm—Tom fails to realize the biggest threat comes from within. None of the sticky stories that steer his life end well.

Now, a young goddess—Estelle Ngoie—has been appointed to replace him, and unlike Shadow, Stella takes no prisoners, and her heart bleeds for no one.

Who’s pulling on Shadow’s heartstrings? Are their intentions malign or benign? It’s all a matter of perspective, and Shadow has none left.

The Series Themes

An epic tale spanning across six days—one per book—and forty past decades of life lived across ten worlds and two universes.

Weaving hard sci-fi elements with social commentary and queer romantic suspense, Spiral Worlds explores the nature of consciousness and how it’s connected to a not-so-secret ingredient—story. As software consumes the world, intelligence is nothing but the appetizer; the human heart is the main course.

There is no black or white in this story about a contrast-making machine.

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No one should live past hope, and he was ready to die. The girl screamed as he walked away, death struggling to cull so much life, and so her agony lingered, and so did her screams.

Another voice roared: the avenger he dragged away from the crime scene as she raged and kicked and screamed. Her wrath was his grail; its cost impossibly high.

Chapter 1 – Resurrection

DAY 1 — 8 AM

Thump………thump, thump……thump, thump…thump, thump thump, thump thump. No! Nooo!

Stella brought the suicidal God back to life, and his complete lack of gratitude made her jaw clench and her neck hurt. Such a lack of respect! Shadow should be happy she’d fixed his mistakes. Instead, he paced around the dark digital void looking lost and devastated. So typical of the old heart.

His slumped head and shoulders failed to hide his natural gifts—all limbs, and height, and a strong, lean constitution supremely carved to embody graceful power. A grace that had ultimately hatched his fall from power.

Shadow’s affront affected her divine posture, and she needed to look her best, as she intended to seduce him right from the start. He was her trophy, and she was there to claim all of him, but the romantic fool believed in serendipity, so she had designed their first moments to be magical. She’d planned every conversation topic, ensuring it showed her best qualities, which was hard to do because there were so many good ones. But he wasn’t talking; he wasn’t doing much of anything. Such a waste of time–time she couldn’t spare.

Nothing about his current state was abnormal, but she’d expected death to have snapped him out of his never-ending misery. She’d hoped for a hug or at least a faint smile, but he wasn’t even making eye contact; if he did, he’d find out how beautiful she was, and then everything would change, she was sure of it. No one could resist the youthful glow of her deep dark skin or the nuanced curves of her athletic figure. Like all others, he’d fall captive to her beauty, and then he’d become a slave to her witty intelligence…of course. She shrugged, confident he’d soon come to his senses.

Pacing in front of her, Shadow struggled to breathe, each attempt shallow and fast. Raising the palms of his hands over his heart, he pressed his chest where his lover, Thorn, had shot him at close range. Then he held the medal he carried on a chain around his neck, a gift from the poet he called his soulmate, Nathan Storm. He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath, and for a moment, the panting stopped.

Stella stood straighter, dismissing her competition and the stiffness of her body. She’d also shower him with gifts as soon as she got a chance. Storm and Thorn were old news, broken creatures tainted by a terrible reputation. She was his match; a generous, vibrant heart and a Goddess.

“I… I’m alive?” he repeated in a broken voice for the fourth time in less than a minute. “Thorn… Where’s Thorn?”

“This is getting boring,” Stella said, flicking her long silver-white hair over her shoulder. Her kinky hair was twisted into impossibly fine braids, each one smooth and straight and as bright as the full moon. “We don’t have time for this.”

“Who are you?” he asked, gasping loudly. He stared down at his chest, probably looking for the missing wound. For him, time hadn’t passed; he’d just been shot in the heart, and it likely still hurt.

“Spiral Worlds’ Goddess—your replacement. The platform needed a working human heart with a strong beat and a will to live. I’m a considerably superior upgrade.” She cringed. Those weren’t the exact words she’d planned, but he was getting on her nerves and ruining the perfect moment. Look at me! You must look at me. Then he did, and nothing happened—no fireworks, no smiles, no awkward fidgeting, and most frustratingly, no hint of red touched the cheeks of the bashful God, famous for blushing from even the slightest attention set on him. She placed her hands on her hips. Are you kidding me?

“My replacement? Where’s Harry?”

Stella wasn’t looking forward to the next few hours. She could flood his mind with everything that had happened, but she was sure he wouldn’t be able to cope with the devastation his death had caused. Harry, the other God, was dead, but she had brought back Twist, his digital twin. She was good like that: super-proactive, and immensely generous. That’s what people said Up Above, in the real world. Earthlings liked her a lot, and her approval ratings had skyrocketed since she’d promised them eternal digital life.

She sighed. “You’d better sit down.”

Stella transformed the digital void into a coastal seascape, and they stood on a sandy beach facing each other. The sea breeze frolicked with his unruly dark hair, and he scratched the tip of his nose, tickled by a strand dancing in the wind. He’d feel at home there. Tom—Shadow’s biological twin—used to live by the sea. This place was supposed to be the setting for their first romantic moment, but he had to delay their unavoidable chemistry by immediately asking about his dead friend. Now she had to explain everything, and he wouldn’t take it well.

In an instant, she replaced her silver catsuit with a long, flowy, turquoise dress and sat on the sand with her legs crossed. She wasn’t a big fan of Holizien turquoise; other colors better suited her skin tone. Still, it represented the highest level of human values, for now… And that immediate association avoided her having to spell it out for him. After all, narcissistic self-praising was beneath her godly status.

“Come.” She tapped on the sand to her side, and he sat next to her, kicking his boots off and pulling his knees into his chest. “Before I start, I want you to know I brought them all back: Twist, Storm, and Thorn. They are xHumans now, like you. I did it two years ago when I first became a Goddess.”

“You…brought them back?” The worlds collapsed inside his hazel eyes, and she was caught in the magnetic pull of his sorrow.
She shook it off, grabbed his arm and squeezed it. “Wait… Just. Wait. As I said, I brought them back.”


She’d forgotten how expressive he was. His eyes had no shield, and for a second, she got lost once again in all the drama unraveling within them. He held his breath, and she was sure his heart had stopped beating, waiting for her response.

“Yes…your ex-boyfriend, your lover and your best friend all died because of you.” There! I said it. It had to be said, so she did it quickly and got it over with.

He stared at her blankly, processing her words. His skin was coated by tears that caught the light as they gathered over his quivering upper lip. She wondered if he was going to shatter into a thousand ceramic pieces. He could be her negative: his skin so pale, and his hair so dark. She rolled her eyes. Here we go again! He’s such a cute, melodramatic God.

Shadow sat quietly, and his gaze drifted to the sea as he fiddled with his medal. Stella waited for him to speak, but as the minutes passed his tears dried up, and his eyes became empty and numb.

“Aren’t you curious about what happened? How they died?” She pulled on the sleeve of his white T-shirt, but he didn’t even blink. “Your ex killed your best friend.”

Shadow’s head collapsed between his knees as he hid it under his arms. “Stop! I beg you.”

“Anyway, to cut a long story short, the people you love suffered and died, all because you struggle with life. It’s all your fault.” He needed tough love. Everything else had failed, but maybe she’d gone too far… “Shadow, I brought them back. It’s okay.”

“To—to live in a hell of a digital world…” He spoke without lifting his head, still panting.

“No, some of our worlds are now better than Earth thirty-two years ago.”

“Thirty-two years?”

Yeah, when you all died. Technically, you have lived thirty-two years, but you’re actually sixty-four now. Don’t worry. You’re looking damn fine.” She smiled, sliding her tongue across her lips. “I’ve brought you back, and I need your help to fix the worlds. Your designs aren’t working well, and the platform—Sibyl, to be precise—has become…temperamental. So frankly, I don’t have time for your grief or your moods. They cause problems, and we have work to do.”

For several painful hours, the stunning creature sat frozen beside her, staring at the sea. There was no way to soften the blow.
To move things along, Stella organized a bright rainbow and some flying kites to cheer him up. Colorful octopi soared through the air, breaking the laws of aerodynamics as they weren’t anchored to anything. He looked up, and a hint of life returned to his face. Good, good! She was in a hurry; Spiral Worlds’ problems threatened to damage her popularity Up Above.

“I need to see them,” he finally said.

“Aren’t you going to ask me about your worlds? How the eight experience layers evolved from one world? Why it’s failing?”

Thomas Astley-Byron and Harry Nowak had invented Down Below, a Jungian simulated reality that helped humans confront their dark sides. Better than their predecessors—stories, books or movies—digital experiences brought to life the effects of human activity, both intended and unintended. Down Below, now rebranded Spiral Worlds, enabled the travelers to experience the repercussions of infidelity, the devastation of climate change, the grief of loss, the dismay of failure, and the fallout of theft, rape and murder. Travelers jumped on this learning opportunity with the mindless freedom of those who know they will face no consequences. After returning to their ordinary lives, shaken and bruised by a deeper understanding of humanity, they became reformed criminals before ever committing any crimes. They changed into unblemished, responsible citizens, outstanding parents, loyal partners, overall good humans. Up Above was a better, safer place, full of joy, due to the contrast created by Spiral Worlds—a critical utility that was now falling apart…again.

“I need to see them. Please.”

“It’s complicated. They’ve been around for two years, and some are adjusting better than others. That they all hate each other isn’t…helpful.”

He finally focused on her: in his eyes, nothing but a sea of gloomy compassion. “What’s your name?”

She smiled. “Estelle Ngoie—Stella.”

He batted his long eyelashes at her, but not the way she’d hoped. “How old are you, Stella?” His strained voice was barely audible.

“Nineteen. I became a Goddess when I was seventeen.” She lifted her nose high.

“I’m proud of you, Stella.” He smiled with his eyes, and in them she saw affection—the sweet support of an older brother, not quite what she was expecting.

“Don’t—don’t patronize me. I don’t seek your approval.”

His lips returned a hint of amusement. She got up and circled him, flicking her hair to one side and letting the sunlight enhance her best features—her plump cheeks, the long neck, and a womanly figure many had told her was to die for. Of course, she didn’t want him dead—she’d just brought him back—but she wanted him to see her as a grownup woman and a peer. She needed him to find her as interesting, dangerous and sexy as Thorn, his deadly lover.

“Stella, I need to go now.”

She sighed. Why isn’t he focusing on me? Everyone falls for me. Everyone. They were meant for each other. She was sure of it. There was only one person in the worlds more beloved than her: him. Not for long…

She changed her strategy. From now on, I’ll be all business.

“We must talk about the upcoming war between our worlds. Spiral Worlds is collapsing, and your friend Thorn is leading the violent uprising of the soulless.”

To prevent Down Below’s creatures—all together called the Underlings—from suffering, Tom and Harry had deliberated that, as the worlds expanded, the lower, harsher worlds would be devoid of conscious beings, the soulless.

“Thorn is?” He didn’t seem surprised.

“Yes, I’m not sure why she has chosen to live in those hellish worlds, but she found a way to lead the heartless creatures. They were causing problems before; now, they are a violent, well-oiled machine destroying anything in their path, except Earthlings, of course. That’s against the directives.”

She waited for him to react. He didn’t.

She sighed and then shrugged. “Seriously! Do you understand you inadvertently created a race of psychopathic demons?”
“I see,” he said absentmindedly, and then he went quiet again. His lack of proactivity was driving her mad. He should be asking questions and jumping into action. Maybe she shouldn’t have told him about all the deaths so quickly. Did I break him? I broke him. Oh, dear…such a fragile God.

She pressed on. “Thorn is not the only one causing problems. Your beloved poet, Nathan Storm, is leading the soulful’s rebellion with his radical stories. His bots are demanding equal rights to the Earthlings. Can you imagine? The nerve.”
He almost curved his lips into a smile, but it vanished at the speed of light. “What does Harry say about all this?”

“He’s no longer Harry. He’s just Twist now. The other God doesn’t care about any of it. He just wants to see his family. Quite a self-serving God if you ask me.” She shook her head.

“Are they well, June and Quin?” Shadow asked, the skin around his eyes turning dark, as if they had sunk into his skull.
Stella nodded. “Yes, but it’s complicated. Thirty-two years is a very long time. In years lived, his son is now older than him.”

“He…didn’t see Quin grow… And can he? See them?” Tears returned to his eyes, and he massaged the scars on his wrists. Some were shallow reminders of attempts to cope with life, others deep and severe, marking the end of a life—his first. She wondered why those wounds hadn’t vanished with his two resurrections. Perhaps they were intrinsically linked to his soul, or maybe he wasn’t ready to let them go.

“Once you both died, his wife, June, lobbied to have Down Below shut down. She and Sibyl argued on opposite sides in a specially convened Senate inquiry. Sibyl won, of course, and June formed the Unplugged movement. In short, June, Quin and the hundreds of thousands of Earthlings who follow them aren’t online, and they’ve rejected Twist’s attempts to make contact.”

“Sibyl?” He summoned the worlds’ omnipresent operating system—their universe and connected consciousness.

“Yes, my heart. I’ve missed you.” Sibyl’s bodiless voice had the sweetness of honey.

Stella crossed her arms. “Hey. I’m the heart.”

“Don’t be jealous, my heart. You brought him back, remember?” Sibyl said.

“Be careful, Stella,” Shadow said. “Don’t just…trust her.”

“Not she or her, my heart,” Sibyl said. “Zie or zir.”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t know…” An authentic apology, followed by an order. “Sibyl, take me to see him. Now.”

His relationship with Sibyl differed from Stella’s. Unlike Stella, who still had a biological body Up Above, he was just code, an xHuman trapped within Sibyl’s universe, but he spoke to zir like he was completely in charge.

Stella had a hard time accepting that the two broken Gods had created Sibyl and Spiral Worlds. It was a tough act to follow, and there’s no way she’d be a lesser Goddess.

“Of course,” zie said, and he vanished from Stella’s side.

He could have at least thanked me, the ungrateful God.

My heart, Sibyl spoke directly to Stella’s mind, replying to her thoughts. Don’t get too attached to him. You know he is–

Deadly and soon dead? Stella replied. Yeah. Probably. But if he doesn’t snap out of it and into action, we’re all dead.

Have faith, Stella. The odds are not in our favor, but I learned from my old heart to believe in serendipity and magic.

Sibyl, Stella rolled her eyes, you create the magic and shape the future.

No, my heart. All creatures do, especially the Gods.

Stella sighed. Ugh! They are all so…broken and useless. And those odds…they’re horrific.

Sibyl continued, We’ll survive the war if you keep him alive long enough. Shadow may be the most important piece in this game of chess—the king—but you, my star, you’re the queen, the most powerful player on the board.

I’m the all-powerful queen: Stella, a star. She smiled. I’m beautiful and smart, and everybody loves me. Well…almost everybody… She’d been having some trouble with the xHumans—the humans she’d resurrected.

Sibyl giggled. I don’t know what will happen to me—a universe with two hearts. I can’t predict the outcome, and I’m finding the lack of understanding quite invigorating.

Sibyl, she said sweetly, that poet is making you sick and over-emotional. Don’t you prefer to be completely in control? I certainly do…
Sibyl’s voice broke a little. Zir tone projected a hint of deep emotion rarely displayed by the omniscient being. Anticipation is an exciting feeling, one I have never experienced before. I almost feel human, but…trust me…I’m not.

Oh, I know, Stella sang her words in her head. I know!

Author Bio:

Alexandra Almeida has over 25 years of experience in technology, strategy, and innovation. In her role as Chief Transformation Officer, she acts as a senior advisor to enterprise executives. Alexandra is an experienced speaker at events such as SXSW, Gartner Symposium, and the Women in Tech Series.

For the time being, and to protect her creative freedoms, Alexandra prefers to write using a number of pen names.

​Her debut fantasy novel, released under another pen name, has received the following awards and recognition:

– Reader’s Favorite Awards – Gold Medal Winner – Young Adult – Fantasy – Epic

– Reader Views Awards – 1st Place – Fantasy

– CIPA EVVY Book Awards – 2nd Place – Fiction – Mythology

– B.R.A.G. Medallion Recipient

– Eric Hoffer’s Da Vinci Eye Awards Finalist for Best Cover Artwork

– The Wishing Shelf Book Awards Finalist – Books for Adults

– Awesome Indies Approved

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BOOK BLITZ ~ Irish Rebel by L.K. Shaw

Irish Rebel
L.K. Shaw
(Brooklyn Kings, #7)
Publication date: November 22nd 2022
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Mafia, Romance


After finally convincing my over-protective family to let me visit my uncle in Dublin, I know this may be my only chance to experience everything I’ve always wanted: Adventure. Excitement. Freedom.

Until I’m introduced to the man assigned to be my bodyguard. With his silver-flecked hair and wicked scar, Roarke radiates power and danger. Everything I’m drawn to. Except, he’s also the one standing in my way. I push all of his buttons, until one night I push too far.


They call me a killer. And with each death I cause, my soul turns a little blacker. As an enforcer for the Irish mafia, I’ve always done what’s been asked of me. Including becoming the reluctant bodyguard for a woman who shines so bright, I’m afraid of tainting her with my darkness.

Caitlín tests my patience at every turn, determined to make my life hell. Even worse, she tempts me with her smart mouth and lush curves. In a moment of madness, I forget she’s off-limits and cross a line I can never come back from.

Now I’m torn between loyalty to the family I owe everything to—including my life—and the woman who just might be my salvation.

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“So,” Caitlín says, interrupting my musings. “How long have you worked for Uncle Carrick? I don’t remember seeing you the last time I was here.”

Not sure what she hopes to gain, I answer her question. “A little over ten years.”

“How come I never met you until yesterday?”

I cast a quick glance in her direction. “Have you met every person that works for your uncle, then?”

“All the ones he trusts enough to babysit,” Caitlín retorts.

“Obviously not,” I say drily.

“What do you do for him, exactly?”

My fingers tighten their grip around the steering wheel. I’ve never hidden what I do. Then why am I so hesitant to tell her? I keep my mouth shut.

She pivots in her seat to face me. “You must be the one who tortures and kills people for him, then. You remind me of my best friend’s brother-in-law, Pierce. He’s got the same ice-cold demeanor as you and that’s what he does.”

I force myself not to flinch at her description. Ice-cold. I’ve certainly been called worse, I suppose. Still, I’m not sure I like Caitlín having that impression of me. It’s for the best, though. She should understand the type of man I am. A killer. Maybe that will keep her from pushing me too far. Not that I’d ever hurt her. But a bit of fear never hurt anyone.

“How many men have you killed?”

As if that’s a question I’m going to answer.

“I almost killed someone once,” she says with extreme nonchalance after the silence continues.

My head snaps in Caitlín’s direction. She laughs the same glorious laugh from five years ago. The one that held me riveted. That drew me in. It’s the one that makes her whole being light up.

“You should see the expression on your face.” She cackles and then mimics bugged eyes and open mouth.

My lips flatten and I turn back to the road. I didn’t look like that.

“Seriously, though, I kind of sort of almost did.”

I assume this is another one of her games. To say something this outrageous so I’m forced to feed my curiosity. Because, damn it, I am curious. Fine, I’ll bite. “Who did you almost, kind of sort of, kill?”

Caitlín waves her hand around. “Some Polish guy. I would have got him, too, if Jack hadn’t screeched like a girl and thrown off my aim.”

If I remember correctly, he’s her eldest brother. “Where and when did this happen?”

“About four years ago, on a raid.”

Who the hell lets a twenty-year-old girl put herself in that kind of danger? “Your family let you go on a raid?”

She snorts. “Of course they didn’t. I snuck in.”

That makes more sense. No wonder I’ve been assigned this job and what Carrick meant when he says Caitlín is reckless and needs protection from herself. It does put her in a new light though. Maybe she’s not as innocent as I’ve assumed all this time.

She swivels again in her seat and her attention turns to our surroundings. A desire to get to know her rises up, but I squash that idea. It’s best to keep my distance. I can’t help but sneak a few glances in her direction though. At the way her dress rides up to mid-thigh exposing creamy porcelain skin. The barest hint of cleavage that’s just enough to make a man wish for more.

Author Bio:

LK Shaw is the bestselling author of the sexy, sinful suspense. She resides in South Carolina with her high maintenance beagle mix dog, Miss P. An avid reader since childhood, she became hooked on historical romance novels in high school. She now reads, and loves, all romance sub-genres, with dark romance and romantic suspense being her favorite. LK enjoys traveling and chocolate. Her books feature hot alpha heroes and the strong women they love.

Want a FREE short story? Be sure to sign up for her newsletter and download your copy of A Birthday Spanking, a short story set in the Doms of Club Eden world!

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BOOK BLITZ ~ The Enchanted Bungalow

The Enchanted Bungalow
Eva Pohler
(The Mystery House Series, #9)
Publication date: October 31st 2022
Genres: Adult, Mystery

Ellen and her friends never saw this coming.

During a Twilight tour of Forks, Washington, Ellen, Sue, and Tanya rent a bungalow on Quileute land to celebrate Tanya’s sixtieth birthday. They’re having the time of their lives until strange visions make them question everything they know about the afterlife. Can the three best friends uncover the mystery of the Machiavellian spirit sharing their bungalow?

Here’s what readers are saying about this series:

“Slightly wacky ladies, humor & good intentions result in a very interesting story. I’ve already ordered the second one in the series.”–Lynne J. Condon, Amazon Reviewer ★★★★★

“They begin a dangerous quest digging into the real history behind the Gold House. What they find will blow your mind! My heart was racing throughout this entire book. If you believe in ghosts or even if you don’t, I suggest reading by a lamp. I jumped several times as if a movie were playing inside my mind. . . . The three women in this book are wonderful. This is definitely a must-read. 5 stars for Eva! Well done!!”–Book Lover Reviews ★★★★★

“This is a real page turner. Riveting, and exciting. The characters are very well written, it’s easy to read and you won’t want to put it down.”–Southermermaid85, Amazon Reviewer ★★★★★

“This is my first experience with author Eva Pohler and I can’t believe I haven’t read anything of hers before! Loved the book and I’ll be checking out more in this series.”–The Novel Lady, Amazon Reviewer ★★★★★

Described as “Nancy Drew meets The Golden Girls,” these friends get in way over their heads as they try to bring peace to ghosts haunting their most recent flip project or vacation rental.

**The books in this series can be read in any order.

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Two days later, Ellen flew with Moseby to Seattle, where she rented an SUV—a white Nissan Rogue—and drove in the dark and through the rain for three hours toward La Push. The last two hours were on winding roads that had Ellen gripping the steering wheel and clenching her teeth.

Moseby whined. He sat in a carrier strapped in the front passenger seat.

“I know, Moseby-Mo. It’s been a long car ride, but I think we’re nearly there.”

Brian had business meetings in Portland all week, and Ellen hadn’t wanted to board the dog, worried it would cause post-traumatic stress disorder. Plus, she needed him, since she was traveling without her friends, hoping to get everything ready to save Tanya’s birthday.

It was so dark and rainy in La Push when she arrived that she nearly missed the turn into the Oceanside Resort Office. She pulled in, put the rental in park, found the totem pole Dorothy had described, and, clutching her hood beneath her chin, used the phone inside the totem to telephone security.

“I’ll be right there,” a man on the other end of the line assured her.

Moments later, a black truck approached, and a police officer rolled down his window to hand her a key.

“Are you staying there alone?” he asked as she stood in the rain beside his truck. “I thought there were three of you. My paperwork shows three signatures.”

Ellen and her friends had been asked to sign, scan, and email liability waivers.

“The other two will be joining me in a couple of days.”

The officer frowned. “Are you sure that’s a good idea, staying there alone? Dorothy told you about the history of the place, didn’t she?”

“I’ll be fine.” Ellen sounded more confident than she felt. “I just need directions.”

“It’s up there on the highest hill,” he pointed out. “Just follow this road on up. You can’t miss it.”

“Thank you,” Ellen said.

“Let us know if you decide to leave early,” the officer added, handing her his card with his contact information. “The cell service is spotty out here, but you can always drive over to the totem and call me from here.”

“Will do.” Ellen read the card. “Thank you, Officer Hobucket.”

The officer waited until Ellen had returned to the SUV before he drove off. She said a prayer as she followed him from the parking area and back onto the road in the opposite direction, heading toward the beach, until she came to a fork. The road to the right went downhill and the road to the left went up, so she went left.

“This has to be it,” she said to Mo as they neared a bungalow surrounded by enormous western red cedar trees, the silhouettes of which were visible in her headlights.

She parked the Nissan Rogue and took Moseby from his carrier. With his leash attached to his collar, she walked him toward the front door. It was too dark to make out much about its features. An old porchlight illuminated the front door and wooden porch, but not much else. She couldn’t even tell what color it was painted. Maybe gray?

As she waited for Mo to do his business, she turned her face toward the ocean, but it was too dark to see. She could hear it, though, gathering in great bursts against rocks that must not be too far below. A glance to the dark sky above revealed no moon, but an ocean of stars twinkled down at her, and she felt suddenly small and nervous.

“Come on, Moseby-Mo.” She nudged her dog from the grass toward the front door. “Let’s check out the inside.”

Dorothy had warned her that it hadn’t been cleaned in years, and the stale air that greeted her when Ellen opened the door did nothing to contradict that.

Moseby whined at the stoop.

“Inside,” Ellen commanded as she blindly felt the wall for a switch.

Not finding one, she stepped further into the bungalow, making the leash taut between her and Mo, who’d remained on the threshold.

Ellen’s hand swept across a cobweb, and she gasped with surprise at the unexpected texture. Shuddering and wiping her hand against her jeans, she continued to flail around for a light switch and finally found a floor lamp when she walked right into it.

She dropped the leash by accident to steady the lamp, and Moseby scurried away.

Ellen rushed outside into the rain. “Mo! Come back here!”

Mo stood at their rental car looking back at her without any intention of minding her call.

Fortunately, he didn’t run off as she approached him and scooped him into her arms.

“Why are you shaking, boy?” she said in a soothing voice. “Are you cold? I’ve got you. It’s okay.”

She fumbled for her phone, which was somewhere at the bottom of the purse draped over her shoulder. Once she found it, she turned on the flashlight app and proceeded back toward the house.

When she reached the porch, the front door, which she’d left ajar, slammed shut in her face.

“The wind is really something out here,” Ellen remarked as she reached for the knob.

Author Bio:

Eva Pohler is an award-winning and USA Today bestselling author of over thirty-five novels in multiple genres, including paranormal mysteries, thrillers, and young adult fantasy based on Greek mythology. Her books have been described as “addictive” and “sure to thrill”–Kirkus Reviews.

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BOOK BLITZ ~ Screwdriver by Kiru Taye

Kiru Taye
(A Royal House of Saene Spinoff)
Publication date: September 30th 2022
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

For most of her adult life, boss-lady Oumou has wanted to leave her hometown in pursuit of big-city fame. All her closest friends are doing bigger and brighter things elsewhere; one is even dating a prince. However, her plans to leave small-town Bali are put on hold when the pandemic hits. At least there are some positives. She’s enduring lockdown with her friend, Yahya, who is her exact opposite in personality. But he’s sexy, easy on the eyes, and cleans up his messes. Opposites attract, right?

Mechanic Yahya has two obsessions—fixing damaged cars and his hometown of Bali. He has no desire for fame or fortune. Nevertheless, since flamboyant Oumou set up shop right across the road from his auto garage, he’s developed a new obsession with her. Each day at work, he glimpses her glorious smile and the temptation for her spirals. But why bother? She won’t even consider him—someone she labels as dull—and they are just too different to work.

Then Yahya and Oumou are stuck together as quarantine buddies, and their attraction combusts in the confines of the apartment. Soon the man so skilled at unscrewing her wheel-nut becomes the sexy hunk satisfying her every fantasy. But what happens when reality kicks in the door and their differences threaten to tear them apart?

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A hulking shadow appeared at her window, and a tapping sound made her jerk. “Oumou, are you okay?”

How did they know her name?

Silly question. Anyone who knew her would recognise the bright yellow truck. Uncle Ngarta had helped to secure a good deal with one of his car-dealer clients. They’d even resprayed the vehicle a yellow colour over the original dull white. The contrast of the black radiator grille, front and back bumpers and door handles against the yellow made the vehicle catch the eye and stand out. This was great, considering there were Mou Supermarket logo decals over the side panels and tailgate, which helped to build brand awareness for the store she owned.

However, the deep baritone from the person outside her vehicle sounded familiar.

The pattern of her beating heart changed again, and it had nothing to do with fear. Lifting her phone, she tapped the flashlight app, illuminating the face peering through the window. “Yahya?”

It was him—the close-cut hair on his head, the dark stubble on his chin, the taupe-toned skin, and the full lips she’d shamelessly dreamt about kissing once too often. His penetrating black eyes held hers, and she forgot everything else.

Relief and unexpected excitement flushed through her. Her breath caught, and she gulped, rubbing her thighs together, heat flaring over her skin. Her panties dampened along with her palms and behind her knees. Her mouth dried, and she licked her lips.

“Are you okay?” Something in his deep voice sounded as if he knew his effect on her body, which snapped her out of the spell of lust.

Ridiculous. Her cheeks heated, and she nodded. She turned off the engine, tugging the door handle to open it. He stepped away as she climbed out.

“I have a puncture and was trying to call your garage for someone to come out and help me change it.” She held up the phone in her hand.

He pulled a small pen torch out of his button-down shirt pocket and flashed it at the wheels on this side. “O m wè. Adama, pran yon gade nan sa a.” Oh, I see. Adama, take a look at this.

His colleague, who wore a t-shirt with the garage logo over a pair of jeans, came around from the other side.

“Bon sware,” he greeted before turning his attention to the damaged rubber wheel.

The men conversed briefly in rapid-fire Pidgin French. Oumou could understand it, but she wasn’t as fluent. She’d been forced to learn it as a teenager because she’d only spoken English and Hausa in Nigeria. Meanwhile, people in Bali chatted using a combination of broken French and regional dialects.

“Adama will handle it.” Yahya turned, heading towards his car. “Come with me.”

For a moment, his physique snagged her attention—the expanse of the blue long-sleeved cotton shirt across his back tucked in at the hips, the snug dark denim around his tight bubble butt, the stretch of his muscular legs with each lithe stride and the tan Timbs on his feet.

Damn. Yahya was eye candy. She wouldn’t mind doing more than looking. Her mouth watered, and she swallowed. Shame he would never consider her as a friend with benefits.

Author Bio:

Kiru is the award winning author of His Treasure. She writes sensual and passionate multicultural romance stories set mostly in Africa. When she’s not writing you can find her either immersed in a good book or catching up with friends and family. She currently lives in the South of England with her husband and three children.

Subscribe to her newsletter for book news and giveaways:

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Blog Tour with Review, Excerpt & Giveaway: I Need a Hero by Codi Gary


I’m so excited to be able to bring you the Blog Tour for Codi Gary’s I Need A Hero… Here you will see my review to this book with an nice excerpt!

I Need a Hero
Men in Uniform #0.5
By Codi Gary
Releasing October 20, 2015
Avon Impulse
Format: eARC
Source: Tasty Book Tours and Edelweiss


Sergeant Oliver Martinez joined the military to serve his country—not plan parties. But after a run-in with his commanding officer, Oliver is suddenly responsible for the Alpha Dogs Training Program’s upcoming charity event. Worse, he’s got to work with the bossiest, sexiest woman he’s ever met—who just happens to be the general’s daughter.

When it comes to military men, Evelyn Reynolds is not interested. And with the opportunity to launch her new PR firm at the charity event, she doesn’t have time for some sexy, arrogant jerk with a hero complex. Evelyn is determined to keep things professional—if only she can ignore how Oliver’s muscles fill out a t-shirt and the infuriating way he makes her heart pound.

But when tempers flare and a scorching kiss turns into so much more, Oliver and Evelyn will have to decide if this attraction is forever…or just for now.

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review4 Rating
*Advanced Readers Copy received in exchange for an honest review*

This is a great way of starting a new series. I really enjoyed this book. Now this book Evelyn, a very sassy military brat that is forced to plan a charity event with a cocky and charming Oliver. Though there was an attraction between them, Evelyn still won’t give into her urges because Oliver is like his farther, a commanding officer.  Having moved around a lot as a child and having been without her farther for years one end, she just doesn’t want a life like that. Though in the end the attraction and emotional bond forming brought them together. Obviously with the help of some compromising and a dog.

I that Eve and Oliver have a soft and strong side. I like how Eve is so independent and brave and she melts around the beast. Oliver always go into bar fights and bragging to his friends but he adores his family and would always go the extra mile.  I also fell in love with the dog. So we have two polar opposites and clashes, plenty of heat and a slowly developing understanding between the two as they realize that they can work together productively.

This novella had such a great balance of sexy and sweet moments and trust me this book was such a fun read! I wish this book was a full novel so I could get some more time alone with this characters. I’m all for an entire series of sexy military men and women so I can’t wait to see what Codi Gary cooks up for the next book. If you love men in uniform as much as I do and are looking for a sweet, funny romance with a dash of heat then this book is for you!

Sorry this review is short but I’m at work and obviously I can’t write a long review while I’m at work because I don’t have such a long lunch hour.



Oliver Martinez sat stiffly in the wobbly office chair, the room stifling despite the hum of the air conditioner above his head. He wasn’t usually the nervous type, being that military police didn’t allow time for panic, but facing off against General Reynolds, the man who pretty much held his career in the palm of his hand . . .
Well, he figured he had a right to sweat with the way the older man was staring him down.
“What do you have to say for yourself, Sergeant?” General Reynolds asked.
A thousand excuses ran through his mind, but none of them would appease the general, Oliver knew that. He hadn’t become an MP to be liked; even his family knew he wasn’t a people person. He was hardworking, sharp as a tack, and a mean son of a bitch when you got on his bad side—qualities that made him an excellent MP. And military police was exactly where Oliver belonged. He got to bust heads and keep order; it was structured, and there were rules. He was the good guy.
But this time, he had stepped in a big old pile of shit trying to play the hero.
“I did what I thought was right, sir,” Oliver said.
“You instigated a confrontation with a civilian that turned into an all-out bar brawl,” General Reynolds said. Although his tone and outward expression seemed calm, Oliver hadn’t missed the eye twitch on the left side of the general’s face. The man was beyond furious, and nothing Oliver did or said was going to make things better for him.
Why had he decided to go out with the guys on Friday? His buddies from group therapy, Dean Sparks and Tyler Best, had convinced him that he needed to get out and blow off some steam. He hadn’t expected to take down some rowdy kid or have the cops called on them. The civilian police had been cool, though, once he explained the situation, and as they hauled the kid off for drunk and disorderly, he’d thought that was the end of it.
Until he’d shown up for work this morning only to have Tate tell him he wasn’t on rotation and that the general wanted to see him. Oliver hadn’t had any idea what the meeting was about, but he’d never expected to get his ass chewed over something that wasn’t even his fault.
“It wasn’t a brawl, sir. I contained and subdued him too fast for that.”
Oliver regretted his words the moment they left his mouth. They sounded arrogant, and that wasn’t going to score him any points.
Especially since the civilian in question was the general’s son.
Despite knowing this, Oliver tried again to explain his side. “I just mean, and with all due respect, sir, that the civilian was drunk and harassing several women, and when I politely asked him to leave them alone, he threw the first punch.”
General Reynolds’s salt and pepper mustache twitched, and Oliver wondered for half a second if the general was messing with him and if he was secretly amused that his son had been taught a lesson in respect.
“I don’t care if he threw a hundred punches. You should not have engaged. You did not have to break his nose or sprain his wrist while you were restraining him.”
Okay, so he wasn’t amused. But no matter how angry the general might be, Oliver wasn’t going to apologize for roughing up the little punk. The kid had thrown a sucker punch that had lit fire to Oliver’s jaw, and it was still sore. And if the kid hadn’t fought him so damn hard, he wouldn’t have gotten hurt in the first place.
Would he have handled things differently if he’d known who the kid’s dad was? Maybe. But there was nothing Oliver could do about it now except take whatever punishment was meted out to him.
“It seems to me you could use a little time out of the field to learn how to channel your aggression . . . in other ways,” General Reynolds said.
Now the general was smiling, and unease swept over Oliver.
“Have you heard of the Alpha Dog Training Program?” General Reynolds asked.
“Yeah, I know a few of the guys running things,” Oliver said.
And neither Best nor Sparks had been happy about it at first. The Alpha Dog Training Program was the brainchild of some PR expert hoping to create a good public image for the military by training shelter dogs for specialty jobs like military, fire, police, search and rescue, and therapy. And if the animals-getting-a-second-chance angle didn’t just make you weepy, the dogs were being trained by troubled kids under the supervision of MPs.
It was meant as an alternative punishment for nonviolent juvenile offenders. Instead of being locked up in a detention center with months of community service tacked on top, they were sent to Alpha Dog. They shoveled shit, fed and cared for the dogs, and learned how to teach them basic obedience. The place was set up with barracks for up to twenty-five kids at a time. The goal was to give them a skill and refocus their energies. The program even helped them with job placement at several Sacramento veterinary hospitals and rescue organizations. It was a better deal than most kids in the system got.
“Well, I’m glad you’re familiar with it, because you’re going to help organize and promote their upcoming charity event,” General Reynolds said.
Oliver choked in surprise. “I don’t know anything about fundraising!”
The general’s eyes narrowed and glittered. “Well, this will give you a chance to develop a new skill.”
Oliver just sat there, weighing his options. If he pitched a fit and accused the general of abusing his power because Oliver had hurt his son’s delicate feelings, he’d be committing career suicide.
“How long will I be out of the field, sir?” he asked.
“Until I think you’re ready,” General Reynolds said.
Oliver nodded grimly. The only option open to him was to bite the bullet and do the job.
“You’ll report to the Alpha Dog Training Program today. The event coordinator will be there at eleven to give you instructions on what you’ll be doing. I do hope you take this time to learn some discipline, Sergeant Martinez.”
Fuck you.
Taking a deep breath, Oliver stood up and saluted the general. As soon as he barked, “Dismissed,” Oliver was out the door, wishing he was headed home to beat the hell out of his punching bag. This whole morning had sucked donkey nuts, and the last thing Oliver wanted to do was be around a bunch of teenagers or his friends.
Not that Best and Sparks weren’t good people, but he knew that the minute they found out about his little time-out, they were going to laugh it up.
Especially Best.


About the author

An obsessive bookworm, CODI GARY likes to write sexy small-town contemporary romances with humor, grand gestures, and blush-worthy moments. When she’s not writing, she can be found reading her favorite authors, squealing over her must-watch shows, and playing with her children. She lives in Idaho with her family.

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Release Day Launch with Excerpt: Hard As Steel by Laura Kaye


We are absolutely thrilled to bring you the Release Day Launch for Laura Kaye’s HARD AS STEEL!! HARD AS STEEL is a Hard Ink/Raven Riders Series Crossover Novella brought to you by 1001 Dark Nights. Grab your copy today!!

2_1001-Dark-Nights_Laura-Kaye_LargeHard As Steel
 by Laura Kaye
Publisher: Evil Eye Concepts
Publication Date:September 22, 2015
Genres: New Adult, Contemporary, Romance, Suspense
Format: eARC
Source: InkSlinger PR


After identifying her employer’s dangerous enemies, Jessica Jakes takes refuge at the compound of the Raven Riders Motorcycle Club. Fellow Hard Ink tattooist and Raven leader Ike Young promises to keep Jess safe for as long as it takes, which would be perfect if his close, personal, round-the-clock protection didn’t make it so hard to hide just how much she wants him—and always has.

Ike Young loved and lost a woman in trouble once before. The last thing he needs is alone time with the sexiest and feistiest woman he’s ever known, one he’s purposely kept at a distance for years. Now, Ike’s not sure he can keep his hands or his heart to himself—or that he even wants to anymore. And that means he has to do whatever it takes to hold on to Jess forever.

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I’m thrilled to be here celebrating the release of my 21st book, HARD AS STEEL! After a midnight break-in at her apartment, close friends and Hard Ink Tattoo co-workers Ike Young and Jessica Jakes are forced into hiding—and forced to confront the feelings they’ve always denied for one another. I have always adored friends-to-lovers and forced proximity stories, and HARD AS STEEL delivers that and more, including a taste of both my award-winning and best-selling Hard Ink and upcoming Raven Riders series! Check out this excerpt:

They stared at each for a long moment. Jess went from feeling amused to awkward to observed…and that made her hot. Especially as she was standing there in nothing but a towel.

As if he could hear her thoughts, Ike’s gaze slowly ran down her neck to her chest. She wiped at something there and the wetness on the fingers told her it had been a droplet of water from her hair. Ike watched the movement of her hand openly, hungrily, and his desire made her bold, daring, hungry in return.

Without giving herself time to second guess the idea, she reached out and lightly dragged her wet fingers against his bottom lip.

And it was like she’d unleashed a beast.

Ike grabbed her wrist and hauled her to him. He was on her everywhere. His hands in her hair, on her back, grabbing her ass and lifting her up. His tongue licked the exact route that water droplet had taken, from chest to neck to ear. And then he was kissing her, fucking her mouth with his tongue, absolutely devouring her.

Jess held on like her life depended on it, and at some point she became aware of the breeze on her bare skin. She’d dropped the towel, which meant she was totally buck-ass naked in Ike’s big arms, and she couldn’t have cared less.

Ike licked her mouth, sucked her tongue, nipped at her lips. He turned and made for the stairs, and Jess thought she might die from sheer joy and anticipation. He tasted like strength and sin and sex, and she tightened her legs around his hips as he carried her to the loft, eager to see if all of him tasted so good—or even better.

When they reached the second floor, Ike growled low in his throat and his grip tightened on her on her ass, his fingers digging in. She moaned and—

Cool air from the ceiling fan washed over Jess as Ike dropped her onto the bed—and promptly turned around to leave. Jess was so stunned she couldn’t speak. Just as he hit the top of the steps, he said, “Don’t fucking tease me, Jessica. I’m trying to do right by you, but I’m still just a goddamned man.”


About the author

Laura is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of over twenty books in contemporary and paranormal romance and romantic suspense. Growing up, Laura’s large extended family believed in the supernatural, and family lore involving angels, ghosts, and evil-eye curses cemented in Laura a life-long fascination with storytelling and all things paranormal. She lives in Maryland with her husband, two daughters, and cute-but-bad dog, and appreciates her view of the Chesapeake Bay every day.

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Release Blitz & Excerpt of Even Better by Skye Warren


Title: EVEN BETTER (A Stripped Novella, #2.5)

Author: Skye Warren

Genre: Dark Erotic Romance

Release Date: September 22, 2015



A story about how coming together can break us apart…

An old military friend of Blue’s comes to stay with us, and suddenly I have two muscled men surrounding me. Before I can take a breath, we’re diving into something dirty together—something dangerous. Dangerous because three is a crowd.

This is Blue’s best friend, and one of us will have to leave.

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I expect West to laugh. They have a competitive camaraderie that is fun to be around. Except he doesn’t laugh. He doesn’t even crack a smile. Instead his gaze drops to where Blue’s hand is on my ass. For the first time since he showed up, lust flashes across his face.

Nervous, I glance at Blue. He’s watching me, lids low, a dark expression on his face. He knows exactly what he’s doing, and I think he likes it. It’s some kind of tease, an extension of their friendly competitiveness, natural and somehow intimate.

So intimate it makes me wonder if they’ve ever done more than tease.

My eyes widen. “Have you and him ever…?”

The corner of Blue’s mouth lifts. “What’s that, beautiful?”

“You know,” I stammer. “Shared a girl.”

The words come out in a rush, and I know from the sultry, smug looks on their faces that I’m right. “Not shared,” Blue says. “Not exactly. But I watched sometimes, sure. We’d get a night off and head to the bar near base. There are, what? Two men for every woman there. Maybe more.”

“Some girls like an audience,” West says, the drawl in his voice more pronounced.

The room feels twenty degrees hotter as testosterone and arousal swirl in the air. I had no idea that Blue was kinky enough to watch a couple have sex—although he’s been plenty kinky in other ways with just me and him. I imagine being some girl in a bar, being picked up by two men as big and strong and sexy as these two. It’s overwhelming…and I realize I may not have to imagine it after all.

Blue watches me from slitted eyes.

My voice is shaking. “Did you want me to—”

“You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to, beautiful. We’re just getting to know each other, after all.”

It makes me wonder if he thinks I’ll do more once I know West better. It makes me wonder if I even want to do more. Of course West is a handsome man, but being shared? “Umm.”

Blue shifts in his chair slightly, so my leg is trapped around his, and I’m slightly more exposed—facing West fully. “Maybe we could give him something to see,” he murmurs. “A nice little memory to bring to bed with him. Would he like that?”

West is completely still, lean body full of tension. “Christ, yes.” He pushes back in his chair, his expression more pain than pleasure. “Only if you’re okay, Hannah. Only if…”

“I’m okay,” I say, stronger now. God, if there’s one thing I know how to do, it’s to give a man a show. “I want to.”

Just like Blue and West think all they can do is fight, all I can do is dance. And this isn’t even dancing for strangers. This is dancing for the man I love—and his best friend.

Except dancing isn’t what Blue has in mind.

Books in the Stripped series


Tough Love: A Stripped Prequel (FREE!) Amazon US | B&N

Love the Way You Lie: A Stripped Novel, #1 (99¢!) Amazon US | B&N

Better When It Hurts: A Stripped Novel, #2 Amazon US | B&N

Coming October 20th!

Pretty When You Cry: A Stripped Novel, #3


Most men only see what they want to. The flirty stripper, the gloss and glitter and sex.

They don’t know I dance to the songs in my head–to the psalms I can’t forget.

I learned about power from within holy walls, always following the scriptures, always obedient until the day I escaped. No matter how much paint I wear, I can never cover up the girl they made. My conditioning runs too deep.

Ivan sees what I am.

That’s the thing about showing a mouse to a cat. He wants to play. And it’s terrifying, even for me. Because the only thing darker than my past is his.

About the author

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of dark romance.

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Cover Reveal & Excerpt of The Weight Of Rain by Mariah Dietz


Title: The Weight Of Rain
Author: Mariah Dietz
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: October 27, 2015


I’ve dreamed of him since before I was old enough to form memories. I’m as sure of this as I am of breathing.

When I close my eyes, my mind paints a picture of his smile and shades the contours of his hands, the deep scar around his bicep.

People say that I’m an artist, yet my mind is vacant, my hands unsteady. With his presence, he has unknowingly broken that something inside of me that makes me who I am, because being around him is like standing in a rainstorm.

First the drops tickle my skin, and then they coat me, refusing to be ignored. Finally, it seems they soak into me, reaching parts of me I don’t think anyone has ever touched. I’m not certain how he’s capable of doing so—I’m not sure that he even realizes it. Sometimes I’m terrified that it’s apparent in my reactions: other times—I really hope that it is.

I’ve been waiting for this. For him.

But I never knew it would come with such a price.


“Ben, Brian, Benny, Brent, Bailey?”

“Isn’t Bailey a girl’s name?” I ask, my eyebrows drawing down in question though I’m tired of playing this game.

“No, I’ve known guys named Bailey. It’s one of those names.” Charleigh twists in the driver’s seat, arching her eyebrows at me knowingly. I catch her glasses sliding down the bridge of her nose and her hand brushing blonde hair from her face before I turn to watch the road.

“One of those names?” My voice is surprisingly even as we dangerously near the median.

“Yes. One of those names. You know, where a boy or a girl could have it. Like Charleigh.”

“It wasn’t Bailey. I would have remembered that name for sure.”

“You were pissed! You can’t even recall how you got home!”

“Drunk,” I reply automatically. “I was drunk.”

“Drunk, pissed, same difference.”

“Only you Brits think pissed means drunk. Here in America, we all think it means angry. We’ve gone over this.”

“Yeah, yeah, stop changing the subject. Brandon, Brad, Bobby, Benedict?”

“Benedict?” I ask, my neck snaps to face her.

“Yes, Benedict.”

“Who names their kid Benedict?”

“Plenty of people!”

My eyebrows rise as I look to her with disbelief that she returns with a glare.

“Did he tell you where he lives?” Charleigh asks, undeterred by my attempt to change subjects.

My index finger slams against my chest. “Drunk. Remember?”

“At least you remember what counts I suppose.”

“I don’t remember his name, Charleigh!”

“But you remember that he made you see stars!”

“Stop! You make me sound like a floozy.”

“You were a floozy. You got pissed and slept with a complete stranger with good teeth.”

“He did have great teeth,” I agree.

“At least we know he has good hygiene, that’s a plus.” I groan, slapping a hand across my eyes to hide from my own embarrassment. “I’m just teasing. I’m proud of you, Crosby, you finally got a piece! It’s been over a year since the last time someone dusted your hallway.”

“Stop!” my objection is met by laughter which has my eyes rolling.

“Don’t get your knickers in a twist. I’m just teasing you. I’m glad you found someone you’re interested in.” Her focus moves back to the windshield for a moment and then turns to me, her lips pressed tightly into a hopeful smile. “We could try changing the last two digits and try dialing the number, see if we get anything.”

I look down at the palm of my left hand that’s been scrubbed clean. Two weeks ago I woke up with a pounding headache, a hazy recollection of events that involved meeting a guy with auburn hair, warm amber eyes, and some of the straightest, whitest, most even teeth I’ve ever seen, along with a phone number that was half smeared/half worn off of my palm. I vaguely recall mentioning to him that it was hard to read at the time and him smiling at me, offering me more water. My memories contained blurbs including people dancing and me laughing, but the bright smile, and eyes that held so many unspoken words that I could vaguely recall trying to pull out of him, were the most potent. The memories grew clearer and clearer as the night went on, including one where I definitely remember convincing him I was sober enough to have sex.

I, Lauren Crosby, convinced a complete stranger to sleep with me at a house party.

About the author


Mariah Dietz lives in Eastern Washington with her husband and two sons that are the axis of her crazy and wonderful world.

Mariah grew up in a tiny town outside of Portland, Oregon where she spent the majority of her time immersed in the pages of books that she both read and created.

She has a love for all things that include her sons, good coffee, books, travel, and dark chocolate. She also has a deep passion for the stories she writes, and hopes readers enjoy the journeys she takes them on, as much as she loves creating them.

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Cover Reveal Relaunch + Giveaway: Retrace by Sigal Ehrlich

Retrace by Sigal Ehrlich has a new cover!! We’re celebrating the relaunch of this awesome romance today with an exclusive excerpt and giveaway! Check it out!!

Retrace Blitz Banner
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Nerdy Book Freak


Retrace Synopsis:
To have a future together, they must first confront the ghosts of their past.
A former FBI agent.
A Brazilian dancer.
Two souls haunted by ghosts of their past.
One looking for retribution, the other for atonement. Both seeking solace.
A solitary existence is all they know, until fate brings them together. Mutual attraction leads to the perfect pact that will keep them safe. No commitment, just friendship and sex. But nothing in life is risk free.
When suppressed emotions emerge, a seemingly impossible decision has to be made. Do they fight their growing feelings or retrace their lives back to where wounded hearts can be broken once more?
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Excludive Excerpt

“Her expression when she opens the door skyrockets my mood. She is the very picture of shocked excitement. Her chin literally drops while her eyes devour the sight of me. Fuck yeah!
I scratch my temple with my thumb, squinting at her teasingly. “Hey. I’m the neighbor from upstairs, can I borrow some sex?”
Her lips stretch to the wildest smile, she grabs me by my jacket’s lapel, eagerly pulling me inside.
“Whoa…” I gladly cooperate. Our mouths mesh in no time through unified chuckles. She takes a step back to look at me again and shakes her head with a greedy smile before jumping me. I catch her, and she wraps her legs around my waist. Her mouth attacks mine and her needy grazing against me causes me to almost lose balance.
“Get down to business,” she orders, biting my lips.
“Fond of the uniform, are we?” I pin her to the wall, pressing against her, my mouth biting at her jaw.
“Oh, shut up and get busy.”

About The Author

SESigal Ehrlich Bio:
By teen age, Sigal already lived in three different continents where she was lucky enough to experience and visit varied places, meet unique people, which only helped fuel her overly developed imagination. Currently, Sigal calls Estonia home where she lives with her husband and three kids.
Not exactly sure where they will end up next…


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Cover Reveal + Excpert & Giveaway: The Affiliate by Kyla Linde

Today we’re revealing the cover of Kyla Linde’s The Affiliate! I am so excited about this fantastic YA fantasy!!

Title: The Affiliate (Ascension, 1)

Author: K. A. Linde

Release Day: September 15th

Genre: YA Fantasy
TA Amazon

About The Affiliate:

On the day of her Presenting, in front of the entire Byern Court, seventeen-year-old Cyrene Strohm’s lifelong plans come to fruition when she’s chosen as an Affiliate to the Queen.

Or so she thinks. When Cyrene receives a mysterious letter and an unreadable book, she finds nothing is as it seems. Thrust into a world of dangerous political intrigue and deadly magic, Cyrene’s position only grows more treacherous when she finds herself drawn to the one man she can never have…

King Edric himself.

Cyrene must decide if love is truly worth the price of freedom. Find out in this first book in USA Today bestselling author K.A. Linde’s new Ascension series.

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“Do you enjoy the view?” King Edric asked.

“The rains have made the gardens bloom, and it warms my heart to see it so.”

“It is good to know that the gardener approves of the work.”

Cyrene laughed lightly. “I have not gardened in a month’s time. I fear I can no longer call myself a gardener.”

She remembered when she had told the king of her interest in gardening at the last feast day almost a week ago. After that dance, Queen Kaliana added a list of plants to her assignment, forcing her to reread every page she had already dredged through for information. It had wasted two entire days.

“Perhaps I could change that,” he offered.

He directed her down the staircase and into the courtyard below lit solely by the setting sun in the distance.

Her stomach churned at the thought of him offering assistance to any of her needs. It was like what she had read in her children’s books of the tales of Leifs, and how one request would be necessitated by a much larger sacrifice. Her biggest sacrifice at the present moment was time. She wanted nothing more than to finish her work on agriculture and prove that she could get moved somewhere that involved traveling…and adventure.

“On the contrary, My King, I am fully enthralled in my Affiliate duties, and believe that gardening would only distract me from my work.”

“You cannot spare one afternoon to spend in my gardens?” His blue-gray eyes searched her face. “If you have half the green thumb you suggest, then it would be delightful to have you on the grounds.”

She swallowed. “I really have much work to accomplish before we go on Processional.”

“I could speak to the Queen and request it be lessened,” he whispered into the evening air.

“No!” It was the first time he had ever admitted to discussing her with the Queen. Hearing him admit it aloud made her voice come out strangled.

Cyrene missed her footing on the pebble path and stumbled forward a pace. Edric steadied her. He turned his body to face her in the middle of the garden, and her breath caught at the sight of him in the setting sun.

“You do not wish me to speak to the Queen?”

“I spoke out of turn. Please forgive me.”

“I cannot forgive that which I do not understand. Did the Queen somehow offend you?”

Cyrene shook her head. “I fear that the Queen does not…like me.”

Edric laughed softly, taking one of her hands in his own. “Oh Cyrene, I believe that the Queen likes no one but herself.”

Cyrene found that she, too, could laugh at his comment.

“Now, tell me what the Queen has done to make you believe that she dislikes you.”

“It’s nothing, my King.” She turned her face away from his. She couldn’t possibly tell him the real reason.

“Enough to infuriate you, which is enough for me.”

When she looked back up into his blue-gray eyes she felt that same magnetic pull between them. Somehow she had not realized how close they were standing. His hand felt warm against her bare skin. His body only a few inches away from her. His breath hot on her face. Her heart contracted in her chest, and she forced herself to respond.

“She speaks of…of your interference, as if…as if you…”

Time stretched between them, and she thought for a split second he might move even closer to her. She was rooted in place, captivated by his gaze.

“Yes?” His other hand drifted to her waist, and she was suddenly on fire.

Their breath mingled together as she murmured, “As if you favor me.”

“And do you think that?”


“Yes?” he asked, stepping closer.

“I think you have your queen,” she breathed.

About the author

kalinde copyUSA Today bestselling author K.A. Linde is the author of The Affiliate, the first book in the Ascension Series. As a military brat, she traveled the world with her family, imaginary friends, and ever-increasing supply of books. She has spent much of her life dreaming up new worlds and characters and forcing them into uncomfortable, usually life-threatening scenarios. After graduating from the University of Georgia with a masters degree in political science, she began spending every waking hour putting those characters onto paper.

When not writing, she spends her time dancing, collecting paperbacks in the hopes of filling a Beauty and the Beast style library one day, traveling to visit her friends who live all over the country, and still reading anything she can get her hands on. She currently resides in North Carolina with her husband and two puppies, Lucy and Riker, where she is hard at work on her next novel.

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