RELEASE BLITZ – Forever Yours by Lottie Paige


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by Lottie Paige

He shattered her heart. Now he’s back to fix it.

20-year-old Aria Holloway’s stuck in a small coastal town, caring for her vulnerable mother, and struggling to pay the bills.

But things are about to get worse.

Nate Fletcher is back. Her first love, her protector, her tormentor. He didn’t just break her heart—he shattered it.

Two years ago, when Aria needed him most, Nate vanished into thin air. Now, all of a sudden, he’s back. All grown up. With eyes as hard as steel and biceps to match. And she’s forced to work with him. Giving in is dangerous, yet as the two get closer, it’s impossible to deny the claim they still have on each other. Body and soul.

But there’s something broken about Nate. Something that threatens to break Aria, too. And when Nate’s secrets come tumbling out, the only hope the pair have is to face up to what they’ve been through. Can they find a way to heal together? Can Aria give the boy who broke her heart a second chance?

Forever Yours is a standalone romance by debut author Lottie Paige. So gripping it will squeeze your heart and never let go. Steamy, emotional, HEA guaranteed.



Add to your Goodreads TBR ➩ Forever Yours

About the Author

Lottie Paige profile imageLottie Paige grew up in a quaint coastal town, famous for its sunsets and storytelling, which sparked her own passion in writing early on. The beauty and the close-knit community around her fueled her fascination with romance and the complex ways people connect and love. Besides writing, Lottie enjoys long beach walks, collecting crystals, and experimenting with baking, with mixed results! Her writing blends heartfelt emotion with the realities of modern relationships, creating stories that resonate with those who believe in the transformative power of love.




It’s Monday! What are you reading? – 25 March 2024

This is a weekly MEME hosted @ Book Date   where we can share what you have been, and are about to be reading over the week plus whatever else comes to mind, you may as well just add to the post.  This is also a way to add to your growing TBR list 🤩 if you find anything you like.

What I finished recently:

This week I have finished only one book even though I have been on vacation from work for the past week. Though I did not read much the previous week as I was just being lazy by catching up on some of my TV Series. I have also been updating my list of all the e-books I have on my laptop, which will take me quite a long time but I also need to organize the books as I don’t have all the books saved in the correct folders. Please go check out the review of the book that I have finished recently.

What am I reading?

So I am currently reading two books. One is a eARC and the other is just a lot of short stories about Haunted Hospitals. I am also listening to some 9-1-1 (TV Series) fanfiction while at work as I cant read the books at work sadly. I don’t like the quite when I am working and sometimes I am just not in the mood for music.

Up Next:

I know I will read Market for Murder next as I am currently reading the first book of the series. I am not sure which ones will be next between the other two books below. Choice could also be changed and I might be in the mood to read a cozy mystery on kindle. We shall see what my mood will be like when I need to start a new book.

Though I am looking forward to read the below books!!


BOOK BLITZ – Invocation by Aileen Erin

Aileen Erin
(Days of Iron and Clay, #1)
Publication date: March 19th 2024
Genres: Paranormal, Romance, Young Adult

From USA Today Bestselling Author Aileen Erin comes an all-new action-packed, romance-filled paranormal series.

There are three things I know without question.

One: demons are real.

Two: humans make awful mistakes that get them in demonic trouble more often than you’d think.

And three: I’m the only one who can help them.

I straddle the line between the mortal and spiritual realms every day. People might think they’re two different places, but they’re not. They lay on top of each other. It’s messy, and that’s why so many people need my help. Since I was little, I’ve been called all kinds of names—unusual, abnormal, even insane. Which is fitting, since they keep throwing me in to mental facilities. I’ve been in and out of them my entire life.

But no matter what people say, no matter what I’m risking, I will always help those in need.

Because there’s an endless war carrying on all around us, every minute of every day. One that can’t be seen by mortal eyes. But I can see it, the spiritual battle for mortal souls, and I’m working hard to make sure my father is on the losing side. He — Astaroth, Satan’s general— is why I can do this. He’s why I’m not normal. I can’t have friends, a life, or a boyfriend. I won’t be selfish enough to drag someone into this fight. But I’m not lonely. Not exactly. I have my mom. She’s my rock, my best friend, my partner. She helps me do what needs to be done, and she’s never afraid when it feels like I’m always afraid.

Because I hear my father whispering my name each night, his taunts echoing through the spiritual realm. He’s hunting me, and I know the day will come when I must face him again.

Every portal I open could be the one that finally pulls me back to Hell, and I wonder if I will brave enough, strong enough, good enough to fight him.

My name is Samantha Catherine Lopez, and I am Nephilim. This is my story.

**Fans of the Alpha Girls series will love this new series set in the same world, with a few familiar faces, but you DO NOT have to have read a single word of the Alpha Girls series to enjoy Samantha’s story.

Goodreads / Amazon / Barnes & Noble / iBooks


The heat from the fires of Hell were burning my feet. I needed to close the portal, but I needed to get up to the other side before I did.

And then there was a warmth—not like the burning heat from Hell—but something else—something soothing—and I knew what I had to do.

I had to get rid of the tie.

I couldn’t cut it—I’d tried that so many times—but I could shove it away. I could lessen its effects. I’d even burned it out once.

If it worked before, it could work now.

I blocked everything out except for the feeling of the tie that bound me to my father. It was always there—a leash of fire that wrapped around my body, my soul—thicker than any other tie I’d seen before on a living person. But it wasn’t just a demon-mortal tie. It was a father-daughter tie.

The tie connecting us grew hotter, burning, and I focused everything I had on burning it out.

I let my outrage fuel me. The outrage of how this monster—my father—had hunted me my whole life, tortured my mother, dragged me to Hell, and made it impossible for me to have any kind of innocent childhood.

He’d robbed me over and over of everything good.

Not this time. He wouldn’t win this time.

He laughed. He actually laughed at me. “I gave you life. I gave you your powers. Just as I give, I can take it all away.

No. I didn’t believe that.

And I wasn’t quitting. I wasn’t listening to him.

Screw him.

I pulled again, but it didn’t work. He started to say something about how I was a failure, but screw him. Screw failing. Screw everything but sending him back to Hell.

But my mouth was dry and I wanted to throw up and my body was starting to feel weaker and my arms started to shake.

An evil, deep rumbling noise had fear skittering along my skin.

I was getting too tired, too quickly.

And then it clicked.

He wasn’t just controlling me. He was draining my strength through our tie.


I had to be faster.

Quickly, as quick as I could, I pictured the tie knotting and pulling tight, cutting off my father’s influence. I pictured it again—forcing my will on the tie.

Knotted and pulled tight.

Knotted and pulled tight.

Slowly, with every knot, I felt my father’s control lessening. Just enough so that I could think and—

Where was Eli?

That one thought broke through.

It was a tiny crack, but it was enough.

Eli!” I screamed along the spiritual realm as loud and with as much force as I could. I tried to pull myself up, but my arms were too tired.

The demons below me started screaming and moving faster. They knew who I’d called, and they knew what he could do to them.

Something hit my feet.

I jerked my leg away, and my hands slipped and—

Phoenix’s face suddenly above mine.

He was now hanging halfway through the portal. The only thing keeping me from dropping was his grip on my wrists. “Samantha. Please! Can you hear me?” His voice was deep and calm as it washed over me.

“I can now. Thank you.”

“Pull me up. Now. Hurry.”

“On the count of three. Okay?” He smiled. Even while all this insanity was happening—he smiled and it calmed me again and gave me confidence.

Why? I couldn’t say. But it did.

“One…Two…Three.” He pulled a little, and then all of a sudden, jerked me up, and I was lying on top of him.

“Thanks.” I gasped out the word and let my body relax against his for a second.

“You’re welcome.”

Author Bio:

Aileen Erin is half-Irish, half-Mexican, and 100% nerd–from Star Wars (prequels don’t count) to Star Trek (TNG FTW), she reads Quenya and some Sindarin, and has a severe fascination with the supernatural. Aileen has a BS in Radio-TV-Film from the University of Texas at Austin, and an MFA in Writing Popular Fiction from Seton Hill University. She lives with her husband in Los Angeles, and spends her days doing her favorite things: reading books, creating worlds, and kicking ass.

Website / Goodreads / Facebook / Twitter / Instagram

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It’s Monday! What are you reading? – 11 March 2024

This is a weekly MEME hosted @ Book Date   where we can share what you have been, and are about to be reading over the week plus whatever else comes to mind, you may as well just add to the post.  This is also a way to add to your growing TBR list 🤩 if you find anything you like.

What I finished recently:

So I haven’t finished any books this week but I did review one of my backlogged books. So if you have time go check it out :

How to Dance – Jason B. Dutton

What am I reading?

Right now I am reading one book even though I really want to read other books aswell. I am so used to read more than one book so I might jump start reading on of my other books before I am done with what I am reading now. We shall see.

Up Next:

Goodness that is one hard question as there is a lot that I want to read at the same time.

I am looking forward to read the below so maybe one of these will be next!!


BOOK BLITZ – A Seduction of Dreams and Nightmares by A.J. Locke

A Seduction of Dreams and Nightmares
A.J. Locke
Publication date: March 26th 2024
Genres: Adult, Paranormal, Romance

They say humans are dreams and Fiends are nightmares. For though Fiends have magic, beauty, and power, their immortal lives are restricted. Vampires must sate their blood lust. Wytches will crumble to dust when their magic runs out. Shapeshifting Haunts must keep their vicious beasts caged. Incubi and succubi cannot indulge in carnal pleasure without dire consequences.

Novari is a human who bartends for Luccero, an alluring incubus and the star of her fantasies. She can’t have Luc, but she does have Keo, who also wouldn’t mind Luc’s touch. Keo, who loathes being a vampire, is in pursuit of a fabled cure that will turn Fiends human. A cure highly in demand as many Fiends crave freedom from their burdened lives.

When an unexpected discovery about the cure’s location puts Novari and Keo in danger, they take refuge in Luccero’s sprawling manor. There, they contemplate how to stay safe … and succumb to each other’s seduction.

The pleasure she finds with Luc and Keo makes Novari want to hide away forever, but when the danger zeroes in, they’ll have to figure out how to overcome it before the dream they’ve found together becomes a nightmare.

Goodreads / Amazon


“Cursed,” came Luc’s soft voice. “As Fiends we consider ourselves cursed, nightmares. Humans, fragile and finite as they may be, are the dreams. They are born, they grow, they change, they have choices we will never have about who they want to be and what feeds their appetites. But we, everlasting and unchanging until the moment of our demise, have little choice. I can never travel far by myself lest I have no means to sate my Lust. I came into existence as an incubus with a specific way I must live, and that is all I can ever be.”

His words reminded me of the conversation with Keo last night and the way he’d questioned his urges because he couldn’t stop wondering if everything about him was decided before he even existed.

“I don’t think I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about things from your perspective. I feel bad about that.”

Luc chuckled. “Humans are selfish beings; I do not fault you for it.”

“I’m not—”

“I meant it not as an insult,” he cut in, “you are selfish because you know your time is limited. That there is an inevitable end you cannot avoid, and though you wish for the years to take you into old age, you live with no idea if your next day will be your last. Thus, you focus on yourselves, your pursuits, your pleasures. You can pick up jobs, hobbies, lovers, and discard them as your mood fits because ‘life is short,’ no?

“You try to pull as much life from the world as you can because when you die, there is no coming back. Fiends can walk through centuries; we do not think of time the same way. Were two hundred of your friends to ask you to keep something of theirs in your care for the rest of your life you would say there was no way you could dedicate your life to taking care of things that do not belong to you. Things that would impede your ability to live your life on your terms.”

He raised his hand to indicate the greenhouse. “But for me? I said yes every single time a Fleurisse came to me. Because it was of no consequence to hold on to things that would remain as long as I. All I have is time, and thus, we endure the long years together.”

Luccero was far more perceptive and empathetic than I would have ever thought he was. In a few short hours I’d learned more about him than I’d ever known. Because all I’d seen when I looked at him was his beauty, all I’d felt was his charm and his lusty aura. But he was so much more than a creature of seduction. I was sure his long life was full of amazing stories. He could tell me something about every Fleurisse here, was probably knowledgeable about things I wouldn’t know the first thing about.

I badly wanted to know this side of him more.

Author Bio:

A.J. Locke is a young adult and adult fantasy author, and also writes and illustrates picture books. She is an artist of various mediums including oil and acrylic paint, and watercolor. When she’s trying to avoid her writing projects she can be found trying to make a dent in her TBR pile, playing video games, watching anime, baking, and chasing the ever elusive eight hours of sleep. A.J. is originally from Trinidad and Tobago and now resides in NYC.

Website / Goodreads / Facebook / Twitter / TikTok / Instagram

1) Handmade book sleeve
2) Themed Notebook
3) Worldbuilding key item: Everway Compass decoration
4) Character art bookmarks: Luccero, Novari, Keovallen
5) Character art prints: Luccero, Novari, Keovallen
6) Handmade pressed flower necklace
7) Sticker sheet


It’s Monday! What are you reading? – 04 March 2024

This is a weekly MEME hosted @ Book Date   where we can share what you have been, and are about to be reading over the week plus whatever else comes to mind, you may as well just add to the post.  This is also a way to add to your growing TBR list 🤩 if you find anything you like.

What I finished recently:

So I have finished three books this week. Two of the books I have been reading for a long time because I kept putting it down and got so busy with work and family. Then my laptop stopped working so I had to wait till I could get a new laptop. Which I have now.

So I have added the reviews to my blog this weekend so you should go check it out:

What am I reading?

Right now I am only reading one book because I don’t want to jump between others. I want to concentrate only on one book at the time for now until I am no longer behind on my reading schedule.

Up Next:

Goodness that is one hard question as there is a lot that I want to read at the same time.

I am looking forward to read the below so maybe this will be next!


BLOG TOUR – Enlightenment of the Rogue Emperor by Jana Klánová

Enlightenment of the Rogue Emperor

Rogue, Arcane and Desolate  
Book One
Jana Klánová
Genre: YA Fantasy Adventure
Publisher: Jana Klánová
Date of Publication: 19th May 2023
ISBN: 978-80-11-03194-7
Number of pages: 526
Word Count: 155k

Cover Artist: nskvsky

Tagline: Until death or authorities do us part

Book Description: 
Eugenie is a certified, double-vetted, regular, ordinary high-school girl living her best life someone more competent planned for her, in a perfectly normal world, where strange things don’t happen because that is simply impossible.

Or so she thought.

Right the second she graduates, the rug under her feet gets pulled and she, alongside a young, mysterious scoundrel, takes a wild tumble down a mountain of myths and hoaxes that her country has been built upon into a whirl of unknown, scary… but oh, so exciting.

Amazon     Bookbub


It was finally over. The last day of Academy began with a
rather underwhelming and bleak summer morning.

After spending four long years at the Military Academy of
the capital city Concordam, cadets were anxiously shivering with expectations
for the Commander’s arrival; it was his decision that would sort them into
specialized military branches and launch them into their new lives and careers.

While Eugenie sluggishly approached the classroom through a
dim academy hallway, she couldn’t help but overhear the excited chatter of her

“Oh, I hope I go to the Navy! I submitted my preference form
a day after the deadline.

Do you think they’ll still accept it?”

“I applied for covert ops!” exclaimed an annoying voice of
an annoying classmate.

“You just proved that you’re too dumb for that,” someone
reacted, and a burst of clamorous laughter followed.

Eugenie rested her back against the wall outside the
classroom door. Waiting quietly all by herself for the chime to announce the
beginning of the end. When it finally rang, she slung her bag, packed in
accordance with the protocol for immediate transfer, over her shoulder and then
headed into the classroom. It was easy to notice that the second she entered, the
joyous murmur of the class notably faded.

Eugenie was odd.

She used to strike everyone’s attention by being decisively
the tallest girl in the class with a wordless greeting of an unimpressed stare–
eyes cold and grey like a stone. Her chestnut hair, slovenly laid to her
shoulders, naturally rebellious fresh face and slender stature were still
making people turn around, but it had been a long time since boys had dropped
the attempts to impress her, and girls gave up on involving her in recess chat.
Eugenie did not seem bothered. By nothing and no one. She could return
compliments, but that idea never crossed her mind.

Days passed by without her saying a full sentence. Her whole
image and emotionless behaviour that she had displayed steered her classmates
to the conclusion that she was an incorrigible, arrogant bitch.

She waddled to her desk at the back of the room and
collapsed unglamorously into the seat. Before classmates managed to revive the
flow of the chat that Eugenie disrupted, the Commander of the Academy walked
in. In a blink of an eye, the class stood in a rigid salute, greeting.
Commander Vance Ewin, who had constantly smelled like an ashtray, was a
remarkably vital man in his early seventies. Or unusually worn out in his
mid-fifties. No one knew for sure. His age was the first military secret cadets
came across.

“At ease, sit down,” he answered and casually slid his hands
into pockets of his heavily decorated olive-green uniform.

“The time has come for cadets to follow their own paths to
carry out the will of the motherland. As we all did. In the past years, while
ya’ll have been training on the grounds of our Academy, your performances and
physical and mental strengths were up for some evaluations.

Last month you were ordered to submit your preference forms!
If there is a match between your skills and the General’s demand, your wish is
likely to be granted. If the demand can’t accommodate you and your preference,
don’t think we’ll send you home. You’ll be sorted into a branch that will
utilize your existing skillset the best… Well, I bet ya’ll know the drill by
now pretty well, so let’s move on to what everybody is waiting for.

I’m now going to hand out envelopes. Each envelope has a
number inside. A respective military branch officer will come later, call a
number, and if they call yours, you’ll follow, no questions asked. Until then,
you’ll be quiet like a mouse. Instructions couldn’t be clearer.”

He didn’t wait for any response and barked the name of the
first cadet in the alphabet:


Trissy Aikman was briskly on her feet and paced to the
Commander confidently. There was no need to hesitate; they all had been through
something similar before. She saluted. The Commander then shook her hand
formally and passed the envelope to her. After that, she skittered to her desk
to find her result. She raised four fingers in the direction of her besties,
sitting across the aisle, to indicate which group she landed in.

Ingo Broft repeated the same protocol precisely.

“Dean!” Eugenie got minor heart failure when she heard her
name. She stood up so rapidly that her chair tumbled on the floor with an
ear-splitting clatter. Her face flushed red from embarrassment. Eugenie
staggered as if she instinctively wanted to put it upright again, but she froze
in motion. Fixing mess was not part of the envelope protocol. She overstepped
the disaster on the floor and headed towards the Commander. The Commander
rolled his eyes and nodded, albeit begrudgingly.

“Commander! An amazon is attempting to destroy the Academy
properties!” Broft, now a successful navy candidate from Panumbreno, caused a
boom of boisterous laughter.

“Broft! You think I can’t hear that damn racket? Well, I
did, but did you hear my order to shut the hell up and wait? Maybe you want to
run laps till your hearing gets better?” Commander Ewin growled back at him.

“No sir,” the classmate peeped, humbled.

Eugenie made it to the Commander and saluted with apologetic
eyes, but the Commander’s capacity seemed to be completely spent by the
correctness of the envelope ritual while simultaneously emitting his
don’t-fuck-with-me vibes in Broft’s general direction. After Eugenie returned
to her desk, she got her chair upright and hid her face away from the judging looks
of her fellow classmates.

The Commander took only minutes to serve all the envelopes
he had at hand.
“Respective officers will be in here shortly. Make us proud. Make yourselves
count,” were the last words of advice they heard from the Commander before he
left the religiously quiet classroom.

Eugenie opened the packet slightly. But she saw nothing. She
pulled the paper out to see the other side. Empty. She flipped the page
frantically and then inspected the inside of the envelope, utterly dumbfounded.

Eugenie was given a blank paper.

Every time a group of classmates left, her stomach clenched
tighter and tighter. It did not take long for the classroom to get deserted.
The thick aura of frustration, condensing slowly around Eugenie, became the
only other entity to keep her company.

The blank paper’s gotta mean something. The Commander gave
the order to shut up and sit. That means I can’t just leave yet, Eugenie

She did not know how to execute the white paper protocol,
but she was as sure as sun that no cadet in the Academy of Concordam was meant
to take any action against orders.

I’m getting kicked out of the Army, she concluded, breaking
out into a cold sweat.

The dreary tension was making every tick of the clock drag
like years. Eugenie was in quiet panic mode, mentally preparing for the
possible outcomes of expulsion from the Army. The regime was not leaving many
options to anyone, but Eugenie did not fear the prospects that unsuccessful
cadets and students were haunted by.

It was the terrifying uncertainty of what would happen next
that was curdling her blood.

On top of that, she was not even permitted to leave; an officer
had to allow that first.

The Academy had emptied. Eugenie did not hear a single
squeak in the hallway for a long while. Suddenly, the silence was shattered by
an ear-splitting tire screech from outside. Her desk by the window allowed a
little peek into the Academy’s backyard; Eugenie leaned in to quench her
curiosity, fuelled by the boredom. She witnessed how an executive limo had
parked in the middle of the backyard with almost dastardly disrespect to any
kind of order. A distinct shape of an officer emerged from the driver seat and
scooted across in an agitated rush.

Oh no, Eugenie thought. Nope. It’s not him. It’s NEVER him.
He never visits the Academy. I wish that maybe someday, SOMEDAY, I’d get to
meet General Everian. He’s a rockstar just by the rank, an Imperial… and his
looks on top of that! She had been lost on a train of her gushing fangirl
fantasies until steps in the hallway grew louder and disturbed Eugenie from her
convenient daydreaming.

Gingerly, she glanced through the open door in the direction
of the incoming noise and in that second, her heart stopped beating.

A man in his late twenties, of a tall, athletic stature,
with a decorated army hat pressed against black hair, brushed into a fringe,
was rushing through the corridor like a merciless tempest. Even if this was
Eugenie’s first time to see a general in person, she could clearly recognize
the sign of the Imperial family; a coral-red sash was peeking through his
loosely unbuttoned, anthracite officer trench coat. And yes, he was carrying a
long-hilted sword clipped to his belt.

There was no doubt left. General Alistar Everian was coming
at her. A reflex immediately kicked Eugenie into a frenzied attention stance.

The handsome machine of authority charged into the empty
classroom but quickly lost his momentum in front of the blackboard. Perhaps, he
came to a shocking realization that it would be easier for him to navigate
without his hat. The annoying visor of his General headpiece kept invading his
line of sight constantly. He took it off, furrowed his thick eyebrows and
pierced Eugenie with a fiercely stern gaze. Even across the classroom, Eugenie
was snared by his frosty blue eyes.

“It is alright, Cadet. At ease,” he uttered coldly. A
displeased grimace on the General’s face curved his lips and revealed his
perfect, glistening teeth.

Eugenie felt like all her blood had decided to go on a
strike, despite her heart’s insane efforts. She tumbled down to the seat like a
pine tree defeated by a hurricane. General Everian paced to her, and with a
swift move, he snatched a chair belonging to another desk and descended on it,
right in front of Eugenie, with grace that would make a swan jealous. Eugenie
panted for a breath and leaned away in a desperate attempt to increase the
distance between them.

“Cadet, none of this is in my job description, and I have no
time for this. Are you even at least aware of what could possibly bring me
here?” He was not smiling. Nor graceful. His voice was so neutral that Eugenie
could not tell if he was trying to comfort or intimidate her. She shook her
head and turned her eyes down in a negative response. The General softly
exhaled, and from his exasperated hand gesture, it was clear he was searching for

“Alright. Let me tell you the story from my end. On one fine
evening, I am sitting in my Commanding centre, minding my own business. Nothing
too important. As a Cordam General, I am only responsible for supplying
military personnel into seven provinces.” Even though he was ranting, Eugenie
could not help herself; all she could think of was how glorious General looked
when he was doing that.

“That’s the core responsibility of Cordam. We produce
soldiers, officers, clerks, lawyers, doctors, teachers and all this—” he waved
his hand impatiently, “—to maintain public order in the Unity lands.” Eugenie
nodded vigorously. The word he was missing was infrastructure, but she did not
find the courage to suggest it.

“Then this fat piece of – Commander– waltzes in my
Commanding centre and tells me: look, Alistar, I have one excellent cadet with
a unique psychological profile, and I don’t know how to sort her after she
graduates, which is roughly in 14 hours. Now you see, cadet, I got played like
a banjo by that stinker because you can already deduce, he got me to visit the
hellhole he runs to check on your sorting process,” he fired off his version so
casually as if they were drinking buds. Eugenie pulled another weak apologetic
face. When General noticed her reaction, his murderous drive faltered. He
looked around erratically as if he was supposed to search for some hidden clue.

“Looking at you, I assume that you’re already guessing the
cause of my presence. Can I see your envelope, please?” By the end of the
sentence, he posed his hand in a demanding gesture to Eugenie. Even though he
sounded calmer, saying no was not an option. Eugenie was shaking when she
passed the envelope to the General. He pinched it with two fingers and
inspected it against the light without any due. He scoffed at his findings.

“Cadet Dean, why did you not fill out your preference form?
You would get sorted by your choice, I can guarantee that,” there was a
negligible hint of curiosity in his tone.

“I didn’t like any of the options, sir,” she replied
bluntly. Immediately, she regretted not thinking her answer through.

“And what would be to your liking then?” he fired back at
her. This time she was ready with an answer. She had spent years waiting for
someone to ask her this question.

“I’d like to be Emperor’s personal guard, sir!” Eugenie
spouted proudly.

Although General Everian was a seasoned professional in his
trade, he lost his face in front of her again. This time, he was genuinely

“Do you know how ridiculous that sounds? Imagine as if I,
when sitting here ten years ago, said: I wanna be a General, but there is no
box to tick in your form, so piss off.”

Eugenie just kept her eyes low; no military officer was ever
in the mood for delusions of grandeur.

“No wonder you couldn’t find a match in the preference form.
Are you even aware that the Emperor has no dedicated military personnel?”

“Yes, I know, sir. That is why I submitted an incomplete
preference form. No matter what I’ll get sorted into, it will be a
disappointing result.” The General could no longer maintain his ironclad
composure, and his face got tainted with an amused grin.

“Why the Emperor? Why not… me, for example?” he acted

“Ignore that question, Cadet,” he waved it away the second
he noticed that Eugenie was violently blushing.

About the Author 

Jana Klánová is an author from the capital of beer and magic, Prague, Czech Republic.

Her work is hugely influenced by authors like Terry Pratchett, J.R.R. Tolkien, George R.R. Martin, Stephanie Meyer, Tara Gilesbie and other absolute legends.

BLOG TOUR – Potion Master by Sam Fairburn #DarkUrbanFantasy #MMFRomance

Potion Master Playlist –

Monsters by Ruelle
(The man lurking in the dark.)

Eyes on Fire by Blue
(Erick and Riley’s theme.)

War of Hearts by
(Finn and Erick’s theme.)

Nature Boy Acoustic
by Aurora
(Riley and Finn’s theme.)

Devil’s Dance Floor
(The Drunken Sailor’s theme.)

Notorious by
Adelitas Way
(Here comes the bad guy.)

Breath of Life by
Florence + The Machine
(Riley’s path.)

Cinema Skrillex
Remix by Benny Benassi, Gary Go, and Skrillex
(Intoxicating story.)

Electric (feat.
Khalid) by Alina Baraz and Khalid
(I can’t fight this anymore.)

The Other Side by
(Climax of the book.)

Bridges by Aisha
(End of book one and lead-in to book two.)

Potion Master

Fate Cycle Series
Book One
Sam Fairburn

Genre: Urban Fantasy Romance
Publisher: Sam Fairburn Publishing
Date of Publication: November 16, 2023

ISBN: 978-1-998204-01-4 
Number of pages: 340 pages.
Word Count: 93976 words
Cover Artist: Erick Robillard at Kinos

Tagline: Moderation is key… That being said, when not one but two enigmatic liars creep into my life, what’s a witch to do?

Book Description:


All I want is to start this new chapter of my life in peace, brewing beer and mixing potions at The Drunken Sailor. Simple. Safe. Single. But when my skills as potion master and healer are noticed by a mysterious stranger, the stalking that ensues leads me to ask more questions than I should. Things take a dark turn as the secret I fought all my life to protect gets uncovered by the deadliest magical mob boss in the city. Now, my best chance at survival is down to a cocky criminal and a bookman that is too clever for his own good. As their presence haunts my every waking hour and the situation gets dire, I don’t know if I can keep fighting this relentless pull between us.


I have focused on only one thing for the last three years—work. But when Riley comes into my bookshop, searching for a way to undo the tracking spell placed on her, I am caught up in a journey that ushers me right back to the one man I am trying to forget. I was his to cherish, his to punish, yet the worst wound he gave me was not a physical one. And she might be my salvation.


My blood is made of hunger and fight, which serves me well on my side of the law. No one but him knows who I am or where I come from. And I have all the intentions for it to stay that way. But when witches start to disappear in the city and no one, not even the Sennex, does a damn thing about it, I make it my business to investigate. Grave mistake. My efforts only lead me to desires I should steer clear of and discoveries darker than I could ever fathom. I fought to keep them away, to keep them safe, but life is never as kind as to bring hope without taking something in return.    

Witchy meets steamy in this tale of soul-wrenching magnetism, dreadful secrets, and magic that could wreck the world.

Potion Master is a slow burn dark urban fantasy MMF romance. It’s book 1 in the Fate Cycle series.


“I throw the playing card into the air. It’s about to glow blue and give
me a minute of peace when Finn blows on it. The vessel and the spell it
contains catch fire like flash paper. One second it was there. The next,
there’s hardly any residue left. This feels more and more like bringing a knife
to a gunfight. Finn is one of the best and most powerful casters I’ve ever
known. I’m so far out of his league it’s laughable. I know he’s right, and I
should learn how to fight with my power as well as he knows how to fight with

We keep at it for a while longer, me landing a couple of blows and him
hitting me with small spells not meant to injure but mostly to annoy.

Then Finn goes in for the kill. “I kissed her.” He says it with so much
nonchalance that it takes my brain a moment to register the meaning of the
words. Finn takes advantage of the distraction he just created to send his
palms forward, producing a wall of air that throws me to the ground. He’s on me
instantly, but it will take a lot more for him to win. We tumble together in a
mass of limbs and grunts.

“It’s none of my business what you do with each other,” I hiss. “You’re
not my problem.”

Finn holds me down, and I let him. I need a minute to recuperate from
the physical exhaustion as well as nurse the inner scab he just scratched at.

When he sees that I don’t fight him anymore, not really, he leans
forward and speaks directly into my ear. “Do you want to know how her skin
tasted or how her body felt plastered between mine and the wall?”

The jealousy is suffocating. I envy the path of her hands on his body.
I resent him for knowing the feeling of her lips under his. The image of them
together angers me as much as it mesmerizes me. The thoughts become

“Do you want to know,” Finn whispers, “how each stroke of our tongues
brought up thoughts of you?” His words are like the most delicious alcohol.
They burn as they go down, but the heat spreads into my belly like wildfire.
Finn’s admissions, his body straddling mine, the electricity of his power. It
sets me aflame.

All I want to do is pin him to the floor and drink the taste of her
from his mouth. I buck my hips and turn his hold against him, but I don’t know
where to go from here. The hard ridge of his erection presses against mine, and
I freeze. I want him so much my entire body hurts with the strength of my

I’m so caught up in the moment that I see Finn’s combat spell too late.
His hand is already glowing with a white ball of light. I don’t have time to
reach for a protection spell card. And, judging by the energy gathered like
lightning just under the surface of his skin, even if I dodge the hit, it will

sly damage the installations around us. He knows this. The bastard leaves
me no choice.”

About the Author:

Sam is a Canadian author of dark fantasy romance and dark urban fantasy romance with a healthy dose of spice (because why not?). She loves daydreaming about new characters and can often be found staring into the abyss of the great nothingness, completely lost in thought. She also dislikes talking about herself in the third person. Hence, I’m going to stop this author bio here. 

I am deeply grateful for every reader who takes time out of their day to lay their eyeballs on one of my books. I couldn’t be an author without you. 

Excerpt Reveal – CENTAUR RIFT by Ellie Horn

Ellie Horn is joining us today to share an excerpt from her upcoming romance, Centaur Rift! It’s the first book in her Centaur Trilogy–check it out and be sure to pre-order your copy today!

Title: Centaur Rift

Author: Ellie Horn

Genre: Dark Why Choose Romance

Release Date: October 13th

About Centaur Rift:

I thought I understood the way the world worked. Family was something other people had. Trust was rarely rewarded. Survival depended upon a clever mind and a strong body.   Until a stallion in a corn field proved that everything I had believed was a lie.   Because he wasn’t exactly a horse. Hung like one, yes. But this former centaur shifts to six and a half feet of gorgeous warrior who houses a destructive secret.   When he tells me he’s from another realm, I decide he’s more broken than he seems. To make matters worse, he takes me through a portal—and reveals that werewolves and dragons are real. But that isn’t the biggest surprise.   Turns out I have a few secrets of my own.   Who knew?   The Warrior Hearts Academy Centaur Trilogy is a dark, slow-burn, paranormal/fantasy romance where the strong female main character has many love interests that she doesn’t have to choose between. A Happily Ever After is guaranteed in book three. The subject matter within is only suitable for mature readers. To avoid spoilers, if you have specific triggers, please contact the author to discuss whether this trilogy is right for you.  

Pre-Order Your Copy!

Pre-Order the Trilogy:

Centaur Bolt

Centaur Soar


Read the PHOENIX TRILOGY Series Today!

Exclusive Excerpt:

When Marcus appeared, I was momentarily caught off guard. With his messy, damp hair, fresh-scrubbed look, and tee shirt and sweats that actually fit, he suddenly looked much younger.   Still a bloody big guy, but more human. And sexy as hell.   I wrenched my gaze away from him and bent to pull the chicken out of the oven. Sitting at the table, we both gobbled the wings down as though we hadn’t seen food in eons.   Then I basically shoved Marcus down the hall and into the spare room. Considering the thoughts cruising through my head, manhandling him may not have been the best idea, but it was the only way to get him to move.   He only did so to be polite. Touching him was like touching stone. He was that hard. No way I could have moved him if he hadn’t decided to give to my wishes.   “Cara will be back soon—” he protested.   “She told you to rest. And that is what you should do,” I insisted.   His eyes sparked golden fire at me as the door closed. I paused outside for a moment, seized with the overwhelming urge to follow him in. But then I remembered the presence looming over me in the shower. And I reminded myself that until I found balance in this new life, jumping into bed with an ex-Centaur that sprouted wicked claws at unexpected times might not be the best idea…  

About the Author:

Ellie Horn–A dark fantasy writing duo that doesn’t take themselves too seriously.  

Connect with the Author:

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Cover Reveal – Sweet Spot by Jessica Prince

Title: Sweet Spot Author: Jessica Prince Series: Redemption Release Date: October 16

Contemporary Romance, Small Town Romance, Friends to Lovers

Who knew four little words and a very public kiss would change so much. Gage Langdon didn’t do relationships. After having his heart shattered years ago, he made a vow to never go down that road again. But when his past waltzes into his town, demanding his attention, he reacts without thinking and makes a very public display of kissing his best friend. Now Wynn is pretending to be his girlfriend to help him get back at his ex, and the feelings he’d sworn he turned off were starting to spark to life. After walking in on her boyfriend in bed with another woman, Wynn Klein made herself a promise. Never again. She was done with men. When she walked into that coffee shop one morning to meet her best friend, she never expected Gage would wrap her in his arms and plant a knee-quaking kiss on her in front of the whole town. The request he whispered in her ear after sealed their fate: Just go with it. When Wynn agreed to be Gage’s fake girlfriend, it was only supposed to be temporary. But thanks to meddlesome friends, an over-eager mother-in-law to be, and a conniving granny, things go so much further than they were intended. The lines between reality and fiction are starting to blur, and Gage starts to see Wynn in a whole new light. Now he just has to get her to that sweet spot where friends become lovers without freaking her out and sending her running for the hills.

Pre-Order Today! Releasing October 16! Read on Amazon or FREE with Kindle Unlimited

Sweet Spot


Visit Redemption a series of interconnected standalone romances


Read for #free with #KindleUnlimited BAD ALIBI


Read for #free with #KindleUnlimited CRAZY BEAUTIFUL


Read for #free with #KindleUnlimited BITTERSWEET


Read for #free with #KindleUnlimited GUILTY PLEASURE


Read for #free with #KindleUnlimited WALLFLOWER

Read for #free with #KindleUnlimited BLURRED LINES


Read for #free with #KindleUnlimited SLOW BURN

Read for #free with #KindleUnlimited FAVORITE MISTAKE


Born and raised around Houston Texas, Jessica spent most of her life complaining about the heat, humidity, and all around pain in the ass weather. It was only as an adult that she quickly realized the cost of living in Houston made up for not being able to breathe when she stepped outside. That’s why God created central air, after all. Jessica is the mother of a perfect little boy–she refuses to accept that he inherited her attitude and sarcastic nature no matter what her husband says. In addition to being a wife and mom, she’s also a wino, a coffee addict, and an avid lover of all types of books–romances still being her all time favs. Her husband likes to claim that reading is her obsession but she just says it’s a passion…there’s a difference. Not that she’d expect a boy to understand. Jessica has been writing since she was a little girl, but thankfully grew out of drawing her own pictures for her stories before ever publishing her first book. Because an artist she is not.

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